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VIRTUAL BAJA SAEINDIA 2011 Hosted at Dayananda Sagar College of Eng neer ng!

V"LUNTEER ASSI#NED to t$e tea% &Na%e' ( Tara)es$*ar L Sl+ No+ of t$e tea% as ,er t$e 1 ( /0 Ass gned Day &as ,er t$e 1' ( 2 Ass gned Lot &as ,er t$e 1' ( 2 Reg strat on ID ( 121/1 Na%e of t$e Inst t.t on ( H nd.stan College of S3 en3e 4 Te3$nology Na%e of t$e TEA5 ( Starstrea) 6$one no+ for 3o%%.n 3at on ,.r,oses 7 08089/2/2/1 Na%e of t$e ,erson to :e 3o%%.n 3ate * t$ ( Ra$.l ;ada<

Deta ls of tea% %e%:ers d.r ng V BAJA SAEINDIA 2011

Na%e Date 4 T %e of Arr <al n >ACULT; &Lea<e :lan) f not a33o%,any n g' St.dents Rahul Yadav Abhinav Gupta 18/08/2011 Train B.s=Tra n=>l g$t Arr < ng stat on and A33o%%odat on na%e Deta ls at B.s=Tra n=>l g$t No+

Shubha m Aggarw al Prasoon Sax na Ra! sh Sharma

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