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Postwrite Carly Schanock WRD 104 Answer the following questions and include for EACH member of your

group: 1. How do you feel about your topic? About your paper?

I feel that this topic is something that needs to be addressed. hen a more than a third of our population is affected! it"s ob#ious that the problem needs to be fi$ed. I"m o%ay with my paper! but it"s a little difficult to write


hat did you struggle with in this paper?

I 'ust ha#e problems putting what I want to say in my head into words in a word document. I could find plenty of support! but still was a little unsure how to use it.


hat do you thin% the best part)s* of the paper are?

I don"t thin% any part is really better than the others! but I thin% the percents and numbers used are #ery con#incing


hat do you thin% the wea%est parts of the paper are?

I thin% the wea%est part is the word choice and how things are structured


hat questions do you ha#e for the reader about this piece? pay attention to?

hat do you want them to

Can you tell what argument is being made? Am I being too biased? hat would you li%e to see in this paper? I would li%e you to pay attention to how I phrase things and how they are ordered

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