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Buying Behavior

1. Feel a need The buyer recognizes a need. He consequently searches for products or services which he knows can satisfy this need. 2. Search information The buyer gathers information on the different products or services that can satisfy his needs. 3. Decide to buy From among the various products he has seen, the buyer forms a set of preferences, probably based on brand, quality, price and the place where the product may be bought. 4. Use the product At this stage, the buyer discovers whether the product actually satisfies the need he felt initially. . !ave after"purchase opinion After making a purchase, the buyer may, at one e treme, feel very satisfied with the product or at the other e treme, feel discontented with it.

#ar$et Segmentation
!nowing that there are numerous prospective customers and customers whose buying motives and habits may vary, marketing professionals have found it helpful to classify the buyers. The consumer market can be classified according to" %ncome # High, $iddle, %ow &ge& 'nfants (below )y*o+, ,hildren ()*&) y*o+, Teenager (-.&-/ y*o+, Adult ()0&above y*o+ Se'& $ale, Female (ducational &ttainment& 1o education, 2lementary, High 3chool, ,ollege 4raduate 3chool Socio )ultural Bac$ground& 5ace or 2thnic background, 5eligion etc. *eographic location" 5ural or 6rban, Town, 7rovince, region or specific location in the world +ccupation" Farmers, Teachers, 8ank e ecutives, $usicians, 2ngineers etc. ,ocation" %uzon, 9isayas, $indanao, %ocal or 'nternational -ypes of (stablishment or Sectors" 4overnment institution, 8anks, Hospital, 3chools, $anufacturing business etc. .olume or Si/e of orders" 3mall or large quantity %n 0hat 0ay can mar$et segmentation help you in your mar$eting activities1 First of all, $arket 3egmentation is useful in the preparation of business plan. After thoroughly analyzing your company:s strength and weaknesses ante the opportunities and threats in the environment, you must decide on your target market or the market segment you wish to sell to.

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