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AIM: Write and execute program to display count value 0 to 9 on the seven segment display using standard subroutine

for display output APPARATUS REQUIRED: 8085 Microprocessor Kit ALGORITHM: 1. Use standard subroutine OUTPUT to display count value on data field 2. Clear register B for no data to be displayed 3. Load initial count value in memory 4. Display count value 5. Move 01h to accumulator to display count value in data field 6. Call output subroutine 7. Call delay subroutine 8. Clear display using clear display subroutine 9. Increment count value 10. Compare count value with 9. If it is less than or equal to 9, repeat steps 4 to 9 else repeat steps 3 to 9. PROGRAM


a. Enter Program into Trainer Kit :

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Press RESET key Sub (key processor represent address field) Enter the address (16 bit) and digit in hex Press NEXT key Enter the data Again press NEXT Again after taking the program, are use HLT instruction its Hex code 8. Press NEXT

b. How to executive program :

1. 2. 3. 4. Press RESET Press GO Enter the address location in which line program was executed Press Execute key.


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