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Training Requirment List Bulk Plant Senior Operator Course

Unit 0.-Course Introduction

Module 0.1-Objective of the B.P.S . O!e "to #ou $e$ Module 0.%-Re$ou ce$ u$ed i& the B.P.S O!e "to #ou $e$ Module 0.'-S"fet( "t S"udi A ")co I.T.#.*h"h "& Module 0.+-T "i&i&, O ,"&i-"tio& "&d Ad)i&i$t "tio&

Unit .Identi!" and #escri$e Routine #uties o! B.P.Sr Operator

Module 1.1-*ut( "&d Re$!o&$ibilit( du i&, $hift Tu &ove Module1.%-O!e "ti&, "&d Mo&ito i&, Bul. Pl"&t e/ui!)e&t$


Module 1.'-#oo di&"ti&, out$ide o!e "to 0o . fo !e fo ) i& $"fel( Bul. Pl"&t o!e "tio&$. Module 1.+-Pl"& fo Bul. Pl"&t e/ui!)e&t$ $t" t-u!1$hut do0& "&d i$ol"tio& fo )"&t"i&"&ce job$.

Module 1.2-Bul. Pl"&t Me"$$u e)e&t 34u"lit( du i&, ecivei&,5t "&$fe "&d $to ",e the oil3,"$ ! oduct$. Module 1.6-Me&to i&, &e0 Bul. Pl"&t o!e "to $

Unit %.0-Identi!" common Process &larms' (aults) Recogni*e 'Correcti+e &ction on Bulk Plant
Module%.1-Re$!o&d to "l" )$ "&d u!$et co&ditio&$ b( "dju$ti&, ! oce$$ !" ")ete $ f o) *i$t ibute #o&t ol S($te) Module%.%-Elect ic"l 3I&$t u)e&t E/ui!)e&t$ Al" )$3F"ult$ "&d co ective "ctio&$. Module %.'-Pu)!$ Al" )$3 F"ult$ "&d co ective "ctio&$. Module %.+-T"&. F" ) Al" )$3F"ult$ "&d co ective "ctio&$. Module %.2-4u"lit( 3Me"$u )e&t Al" )$ 3F"ult$ "&d co ective "ctio&$.


Unit ,.0- Responding to Plant -mergenc"

Module '.1-Ide&tif( E)e ,e&c( Situ"tio&$ Module '.%-Re$!o&di&, "&d Re!o ti&, i& Fi e 7H%S "&d *i$"$te Al" )$ i& Bul. Pl"&t S"udi A ")co.

Unit..0-/ealt0 )Sa!et" '-n+iroment rules in Bulk Plant

Module +.1-S"fet( E/ui!)e&t$ u$e i& c"$e of Fi e Al" )$ . Module +.%-S"fet( E/ui!)e&t$ u$e i& c"$e of H%S Al" )$. Module +.'-S"fet( E/ui!)e&t$ u$e i& c"$e of *i$"$te . Module +.+-Re!o ti&, i& c"$e of !e $o&"l i&ju ( o de"th.

Unit 1.0-O!!ences t"pe'corespondant penalties

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