Final Exam: Complete With The Correct Possessive Adjective

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Final Exam

Full name: code ____________-A

Complete with the correct possessive adjective

1.Where are (you) riends now! ($) riend %e&&y. (she) amily. ".#ere is a postcard rom

'.(he lives in Australia now with ). -. .. 0.

((he) hus*and wor+s in ,ewcastle. (#e) company *uilds ships.

(/hey) children &o to school in ,ewcastle. ($) hus*and and $ want to &o to Australia1 too. (she) amily ne3t winter.

2.We want to see %e&&y and 4. (We) winter5 (they) summer.

16.7ecause it is

8a+e sentences with ver* to *e

1) (he 9 French) ") (we 9 not 9 cold) ') (he 9 a oot*aller)! . )) (where 9 :ohn)! . -) (we 9 ;erman) .) (he 9 not 9 a journalist) 0) (we 9 not 9 sin&ers) . 2) (you 9 a nurse)! 4) (they 9 rom <i*ya) 16) (where 9 =avid)! 11) (how 9 your mother)! 1") (we 9 thirsty) . 1') (how lon& 9 the ilm)! 1)) (how o ten 9 you in <ondon)! 1-) (he 9 handsome) 1.) ($ 9 not 9 >n&lish) 10) (you 9 not 9 a doctor) 12) (she 9 not 9 $talian) 14) (he 9 my *rother) "6) (you 9 not 9 >&yptian)

Write the correct wh question

1. A: is Canberra? B: It's in Australia. 2. A: are ohn an! "an!#? B: $he# are m# %rien!s.

1'. A: is Christmas 1a#? B: It on 2)th 1ecember. 1). A: are +a!ie an! ac9? B: $he#'re at school. 1,. A: are we to!a#? B: We're 3en-uins : the mascot o% our bas9etball team. 1.. A: B: It's a car. 14. A: school sub;ect? B: "aths. is a "erce!es?

&. A: is #our birth!a#? B: It's on 2&r! "a#. '. A: is the $hames? B: It's a ri(er. ). A: is the concert? B: *n +atur!a#. ,. A: is #our schoolba-? B: It's in m# room. .. A: are /on!on0 Washin-ton 1C an! 2aris? B: $he#'re ca3ital cities. 4. A: am I? B: 5ou're m# best %rien!. 6. A: are #ou? B: I'm #our new En-lish teacher. 17. A: is #our new school? B. It's in "a3le 8oa!. 11. A: are #our holi!a#s? B: $he# are in *ctober. 12. A: are "on!a#0 We!nes!a# an! Fri!a#? B: $he#'re !a#s o% the wee9. 1&. A: are the +im3sons? B: $he#'re cartoon characters.

s #our %a(ourite

16. A: is #our %a(ourite teacher? B: "iss 2otts. 27. A: is Alabama? B: It's in America.

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