ECG Notes2

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ECG Patterns R-R interval Heart Rate P-R interval (Beginning of P wave and beginning of QRS complex) Time

ime for excitation of SA node AV node Bundle of his R&L Bundle Branch Ventricles Normal (3-5 small squares) Shortened P-R Interval Atria depolarized near AV node or abnormally fast conduction from atria to ventricles QRS Complex Time for ventricles excitation (3 small squares) Widened QRS complex conduction abnormality Small Complexes Pericardial Effusion Tall R wave LVH 12 Lead ECGs 6 Standard Leads Lead I II VL Lateral surface of the heart Lead III VF Inferior surface Lead VR Right Atrium 6 V Leads V1 V2 Right ventricle V3 V4 Interventricular Septum & Anterior wall of left ventricle V5 V6 Anterior wall and lateral walls of left ventricle

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