Confalt: Cement Bound Materials

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Cement Bound Materials

Working description for placing of Cement Bound Materials as subbase for a Confalt Wearing Course. Laying of unbound base for CBM: After levelling the capping, the unbound base material is layed and compressed according to the local demands or 98 % tandard !roctor and "ith a surface evenness of #$% &' mm( )escription of the material: *he material for the cement bounded base is produced at a concrete batching plant or at site in a portable mi+ing plant and consists of ' , -. mm aggregates and cement( *he material design must be so that the /%days cylinder compressive strength at .'0C is min( 1 % 8 2$mm.( !lacing of CBM: *he CBM is layed using either a traditional asphalt paving machine or a 3ilver to reach the desired thic4ness( 5inally the CBM is roller compacted using a steel roller( *he mi+ture must be protected against sun and rain during transport( *he mi+ture must be placed before setting ta4es place( *he time of storage at site is depending on temperature% and "eather conditions( *he mi+ture has to be placed in one time in the right thic4ness( *he mi+ture must be compacted "ith a roller of min( 1%8 ton "eight( *he surface must be sealed "ith ca( 6'' g$m . Bitumen emulsion directly after compaction and before the surface is dry( *emperature must be at least # 70C( *olerances according to the specifications of the pro8ect( 9sually as follo": #$% &' mm from the specifications of the final evenness for the pro8ect(

:uiding recipe for CBM: &&' 4g .(.'' 4g 77 4g Cement C;M < 6.,7 ' , -. mm natural aggregates =ater

Alternatively to the cement 8' 4g of cement # 1' 4g 5ly ash or fine ground slag can be used( *he final recipe may have to be ad8usted according to local conditions(

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