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In Judaism, the Torah is the sacred text. It is obeyed as though it is law. Judaism is a religion of keeping laws.


A ritual in Judaism is the observing of the Holy Days. Such as The Sabbath. It lasts from sundown Friday night to sundown Saturday. A traditional meal is eaten then families go to the Synagogue.


An individual within this religion would participate in the observing of Holy Days, respecting and interpreting the Torah and the praying in the Synagogue.


In Judaism, belief is through adherence to Judaism, they will earn a national blessing from God. Judaism is very nationalistic, patriotic, and cultural. Motivation to the Torah will reward obedience with immortality and an eternity in his presence.


In Judaism, the Torah is the code of conduct. It is the Law and details how Jews should live out their lives. It gives instructions, which God gave to Moses, about how to be an obedient Jew.


A symbol in Judaism is the menorah or the seven-branched candlestick. It once stood in the Temple of Jerusalem. It has become a symbol of spirit, the light of God and the tree of light.


The stories of Judaism are recorded in the first five books of the Bible. These form the Torah which God gave to Moses. The Torah details the beginnings of the Jewish people and the religion of the Jews. Their roots can be traced back to Abraham, Isaac and Israel in the Old Testament.


Judaism varies in three forms. Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews. Orthodox Jews follow the law strictly. They study the Torah to make sure they are obedient in every aspect of instruction. The Conservative Jew is more liberal. They interpret the Torah more leniently. The Reform Jews believe the broad principles of Judaism are more important than the practises. Judaism is not hierarchical. The local synagogue is led by a rabbi, who is a teacher. Rabbis are not priests but they carry authority within their stream of Judaism. Councils of rabbis provide a network of support and coordination.


In Islam, the sacred text is the Koran (Quran). It contains Muhammads (the founder of Islam) revelations, and encounters. According to Muslims it is an exact copy of an original Gods word now in heaven. Along with the Koran, there is also the Sunna, which are Muhammads own thoughts and deeds. These are used as sources of truth and law.



A ritual in Islam is performing the five pillars of faith. These are: 1. Statement of belief 2. Prayers five times a day 3. Alms 4. Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage


An individual within Islam would be a required to participate in Ramadan, which occurs in the ninth month of the Muslim lunar year. Muslims are required to fast.


In Islam the beliefs are from their Scriptures. They believe in angles and prophets. Muslims believe that man was created from a clot of blood and that God is one, named Allah. They believe he is the same God that Christians and Jews worship. The all-powerful and all-seeing one. The code of conduct within Islam is the Sharia the path to follow. It embraces the code of ethics, morality, religious duties, and criminal and civil law. Punishment for any of the laws broken is severe. A symbol for Islam is the crescent, which is a common religious symbol. It has been accepted as the symbol of Islam.




A story relating to Islam is one when Muhammad began preaching the word of God in Mecca in early seventh century AD. He spent many years in the desert praying and after six months in solitude, he received a commission from the Angel Gabriel. The social structure of Islam comprises of two branches, the Sunnis and the Shiites. They both consider their leaders to be teachers and mentors.


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