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For Pat

Peter Asher


Copyright Peter Asher The right of Peter Asher to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1 88! A"" rights reser#ed! $o part of this pub"ication may be reproduced, stored in a retrie#a" system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, e"ectronic, mechanica", photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the pub"ishers! Any person who commits any unauthori%ed act in re"ation to this pub"ication may be "iab"e to crimina" prosecution and ci#i" c"aims for damages! A C&P cata"ogue record for this tit"e is a#ai"ab"e from the 'ritish (ibrary! &)'$ 78 1 8* +, +www!austinmacau"ey!com First Pub"ished ./01*1 Austin 2acau"ey Pub"ishers (td! /- Canada )3uare Canary 4harf (ondon 51* -('

Printed and bound in 6reat 'ritain

Thanks to (inda for guiding a dream towards a rea"ity!

& was two and a ha"f when & went into hospita", during the ear"y 1 -0s! For fourteen months my right "eg was in traction! (ike the 7hero8 in these stories, & a"so had a poor"y heart! Parents weren8t a""owed to stay with you in those days 9 :ust #isit twice a week! Pat was fi#e! )he fussed around me, :ust as she does Poor"y 'oy! Pat had tumours on the brain! )he didn8t reach si;! )he "eft her empty bed beside me one night! These stories are about Poor"y 'oy8s fifth year! &t8s for the reader to decide whether he reaches si;! Poor"y 'oy8s story is nothing "ike my story 9 other than what8s on this page, and that both of us were great"y inf"uenced by Pat! These stories are what & "ea#e for Pat! Peter Asher!

The Idea
Poor"y 'oy had not a"ways been Poor"y 'oy! There was a time when he had a proper name "ike other boys and gir"s! 4hen he was three he "ost his name in the garden p"aying footba"" with 'en, his father! 'en had carried the screaming chi"d indoors! <ushing in the ambu"ance to hospita", the boy8s heart stopped twice, maybe more! Three weeks "ater, Teddy disappeared! 5dward had named Poor"y 'oy 7Poor"y 'oy8 and Poor"y 'oy cried when he went! 5dward ne#er appeared again! =e may ha#e been sto"en or perhaps he was :ust fed up with hospita"s and ran off! )ue and 'en ne#er knew! Poor"y 'oy8s heart was i"", and it made the chi"d fee" i""! &t had once been #ery we"" indeed! >$o more footba"", no more fun,? the doctors said! >=appens sometimes! 'e "ike it for his "ife, though it cou"d be treated! A"ways, howe#er, the need to be carefu"!? Teddy must ha#e wanted a we"" "itt"e boy, but the name Poor"y 'oy remained! )o did the idea! Teddy8s disappearance meant a "one"y night in the hospita" bed! Cou"d it be that Teddy had been i"" and not to"d anyone@ Cou"d he ha#e gone away to a bear doctor@ Do a"" poor"y toys go away to find doctors 9 dog, cat, monkey, rabbit doctors@ 4hy not :ust one doctor@ 4hy not Dr Poor"y 'oy@ $e;t day on the way by whee"chair to yet another boring p"ay area, he noticed a baby rabbit on the f"oor, crying his "itt"e b"ue ears off and his "itt"e b"ack eyes out! 'aby Aenneth became the boy8s first patient and, as no one c"aimed him, the $urse said Poor"y 'oy cou"d "ook after him fore#er! 'aby Aenneth was #ery demanding of the Doctor8s time! =e was a"ways first and "ast patient for each surgery and no one e"se got a "ookBin! The remote contro""ed car was tried once when its batteries were "ow and it fe"t short of energy a"" the whi"e! 'aby Aenneth rather badBtempered"y to"d it to find a garage! Poor"y 'oy made e#ery a""owance for the young

rabbit8s dependence and became "ike a mother to him, but where cou"d he find a father@ 'en so"#ed the prob"em! Daddy )pringy came up to him in the toy shop, saying how he8d "o#e to be 'aby Aenneth8s father! Poor"y 'oy soon came to re"y on Daddy )pringy8s wisdom and good :udgement on a who"e range of both medica" and nonBmedica" matters the grownBup, "ightBbrown rabbit knew a"" about! Funni"y enough, Daddy )pringy a"so a"ways agreed with the boy 9 a"ways 9 e#en when Dy"on 4i"kis8s a""igator was admitted to the Doctor8s brokenBbone ward, or orthopaedic ward as peop"e doctors ca"" it! This a""igator, named <ust for no ob#ious reason, had a whee" missing! 7Cne isn8t enough to be happy on,8 thought Daddy )pringy on his round of the chi"dren8s ward! These rounds he went on twice dai"y, morning and e#ening, whi"st he"d in Poor"y 'oy8s hand! (ike a"" the toys, Daddy )pringy had #ery short "egs and, though, "ike a"" the toys, he cou"d wa"k on his own, for time and con#enience Poor"y 'oy carried him e#erywhere! Dy"on 4i"kis had his head way down in a comic book! 4hen he found out <ust had gone to see Dr Poor"y 'oy, he was "i#id! 4hen he got the $urse to get <ust discharged from hospita", the Doctor sitting up in bed ga#e detai"ed instruction as to how to treat the new whee"! >&t is rather too "arge,? the Doctor said, >so the a""igator wi"" be better, but "opsided when you pu"" him a"ong on his "ead! Dou8"" ha#e to be carefu" he doesn8t fa"" o#er and hurt himse"f again!? The $urse "istened and repeated the instructions whi"st wa"king Dy"on 4i"kis away! Dy"on, contro""ing his anger rather we"", s"ow"y a""owed <ust to get used to wobb"ing after him, a "itt"e unsteadi"y, unused to the newness of a"" this une;pected betterness! 'aby Aenneth hadn8t "iked <ust much and was p"eased to see him sort of stagger off! Daddy )pringy thought it time the young rabbit had some responsibi"ity, so ga#e him the three whee"ed remoteBcontro""ed car to comfort unti" it got used to

being a whee" short, or the Doctor found a rep"acement somewhere! This is when Pat put her foot down! A coup"e of years o"der than Poor"y 'oy, the bossy, hugeB spectac"ed "itt"e gir" had decided to become the young doctor8s mother on his first day in hospita"! )he had been there most of her young "ife! Pat pushed him e#erywhere in his chair, tucked him into bed e#ery night, washed his face, sco"ded him e#en when he wasn8t naughty, kissed him as often as possib"e and waited outside the door when he went to the toi"et! &t was she who sat Poor"y 'oy down and e;p"ained how he cou"dn8t be doctor to e#ery toy! >Dou can8t fi"" beds with broken motors and sticky windmi""s, si""y! $ow you8re wa"king about and going home soon 9 what8s your outside mummy going to say when you bring a"" these bits of poor"y p"astic home@ 'e doctor to soft toys on"y! Aeep it simp"e! Dou make soft toys better as big doctors make us better!? )he de"ighted in ca""ing Poor"y 'oy si""y, but she "o#ed him dear"y as he "o#ed her! That8s why one morning a week "ater, before he "eft hospita", he was surprised to be woken by the $urse and not his inside mum! >Pat8s had to go to her mummy,? the big doctor said! >$o,? rep"ied Poor"y 'oy, >& think she8"" ha#e gone to 6od to ask if =e has any poor"y toys & can make we"" for =im! )he said she maybe wou"d!? Poor"y 'oy noticed tiny beads of tears in the corner of the $urse8s eyes :ust as he had noticed his own! >)he "eft (itt"e $e""y for you to keep we"" for her! )aid she8d come back one day to make sure you8re "ooking after her, Poor"y 'oy!? 'aby Aenneth, 3uite the young rabbit now, put a "o#ing arm around the soft pink e"ephant, remarkab"y "ike him in si%e, and said he wou"d persona""y take care of her fore#er! Poor"y 'oy cou"d ne#er "ook at $e""y without thinking of Pat and sending her his "o#e! =e a"ways e;pected her to turn up at any moment, mended by the big doctor! >)o you see, 2um, &8m going to be a doctor to e#ery poor"y soft toy & can!?

)ue sat, "ooking g"um, ho"ding Daddy )pringy and $e""y as Poor"y 'oy to"d her of his "ife8s mission and future work! >$ow &8m a"one & can practise a"" my doctor things without nurses getting on to me and Daddy )pringy!? >4e8"" see,? said )ue! >& know we wi"",? said a smi"ing Poor"y 'oy! >& knew you8d agree with Daddy )pringy, Pat and me!? )ue continued to "ook g"um for a few moments, a"one, thinking to herse"f! 'aby Aenneth then came in, carrying some toast for $e""y!

Little Sheeps
Poor"y 'oy was puffing out his cheeks and b"owing on washingBpowder bo;es! >)top it, Poor"y 'oy,? said his mother8s "egs! >'eha#eE? said the tro""ey whee"s! >(o#e me,? said (itt"e )heeps! (itt"e )heeps was ambushing from the thickets of sweets growing in the supermarket, and Poor"y 'oy was "ooking for poor"y sheeps and broken rabbits 9 as broken down as Poor"y 'oy himse"f! At home were hundreds and mi""ions .about twenty1 of in:ured creatures, and (itt"e )heeps knew, and that8s why Andrew 4a""ace had been magicked into dropping him there 9 to ambush Poor"y 'oy! >(o#e me! Take me home,? p"eaded the s"ight"y grubby sheep! >&8m i"" and ha#e grime disease!? $othing threw Poor"y 'oy, and with one "ast cheekBpuff he picked up the crafty sheep and pushed him into his mother8s hand! >2um, (itt"e )heeps wants me to wash him! =e has a dirty face and nobody "o#es him!? The tro""ey s3ueaked in disgust and ran o#er )ue8s foot! >Poor"y 'oy, put that back at onceE? 'ut she knew it was hope"ess! >&t8s not one of (ippo8s 8cos it8s no "abe", and & saw Andy 'ig $ose put it there!? 4here@ Cn the tro""ey 9 too "ate! Poor"y 'oy "ooked e#en more poor"y and so much more sad 9 and the "ady super#isor wanted to take him home, and he knew it! =e wea#ed his magic fib about finding a poor"y toy and how he cou"dn8t "i#e without it! And she agreed, e#en though (ippo8s (aw read, 7&f not c"aimed within se#en days F8

)ue was used to this sort of thing, howe#er! )he p"aced (itt"e )heeps ne;t to 'aby Aenneth, the poor"y rabbit, on the pi""ow!

Crumble ee
The dye had run a"" o#er its pu""o#er and one b"ond eye! Cne purp"e prong was broken and bent and one was missing! &t seemed to ha#e a"" e"e#en "egs, and the twe"fth that might ha#e been .it might ha#e been a tai"1 was missing, maybe! Poor"y 'oy got Daddy )pringy to ha#e a c"oser "ook! The o"d rabbit was good at "ooking! >&s it a poor"y bee@? said Poor"y 'oy! >&s its po""en spoon snapped off@ Can we sa#e it and rescue it from the gutter@? Daddy )pringy said yes as Poor"y 'oy he"ped him back into the pushchair, together with the sodden, dirty footB"ong bee! )ue grumb"ed a"" the way home, and made the bee weep more dye inside the "arge p"astic carrier bag pushed in the tray underneath the chair! Poor"y 'oy got Daddy )pringy to ho"d on to his right hand, and keep an eye on the broken bee by dang"ing o#er the side! Cnce home the bee entered Accident and 5mergency, where $urse $e""y inserted her trunk up the bee8s nose to see if it had hay fe#er! 'aby Aenneth hit it with his ratt"e :ust to see if it ye""ed! Daddy )pringy, when asked by the bee8s rescuer if it wou"d "i#e, said yes! )ue said it wou"dn8t! Poor"y 'oy said, >'ut if it8s washed@? The bee was dying a"" o#er the kitchen f"oor 9 "ots and "ots of purp"e dye! 4hen Poor"y 'oy #isited the bee in the shed some time "ater it was drier and "ooking rather happier sitting up in bed! The o"d dustbin "id made a good bedG and e#en though the bee was sti"" not washed, Daddy )pringy had been right when he said, >Des it wi"" "i#e and, yes, it can stay if it stays in the shed, and, yes, it cannot go in the washing machine!? Poor"y 'oy sat at the bedside and remo#ed an o"d onion from underneath his bottom, and gent"y began to ask some gent"e 3uestions!

>Dear Crumb"e 'ee, .the matted ny"on fur was starting to f"ake1 ha#e you any parents or "itt"e boy we shou"d te""@? >$one,? Crumb"e 'ee groaned, surprising"y deep and awfu""y sad! >=a#e you a mum@? >$o!? >A 3ueen, then@? A"" the rescuer got was a series of noes! )ue arri#ed to grumb"e again, this time about the sme""! >Cnions,? said Poor"y 'oy! >This big one bit my bum and is nasty and sme""s!? >&t8s that that wretched o"d toy bee!? >$o it8s not! Crumb"e 'ee is getting better and he doesn8t sme"" 9 on"y where he8s b"edG and $e""y is going to dress his cuts again, so you8d better go, 2um!? At the end of a hot August week, the hospita" sme""ed dreadfu""y of onionBsme""ing, soddenBwet, driedBout, stuffed, purp"e, ny"on bee! Poor"y 'oy said to Daddy )pringy, >2um ought to do something about the onions, and Crumb"e 'ee ought to get more fresh air!? &t had been a "ong week! The sick bee had been a good patient but his condition ga#e $urse $e""y much concern! (ots of cudd"es, despite three droppingsBbyBmistake, had, they a"" agreed, sa#ed Crumb"e 'ee8s "ife! The ny"on onion sme"" had become antibiotic sprays and o;ygenBcy"inder sme""s! Poor"y 'oy had many chats with his guest, "earning how the bee had been made 7a"" wrong8 at the factory and thrown out the back with pi"es of fau"ty toys! The "orry had dropped him in the rainy gutter one dark night! >Hust as we"" it was summer,? said Poor"y 'oy cheerfu""y as Daddy )pringy brought in some hot soup to spoon to Crumb"e 'ee! $ow they went into the garden to recuperate, and )ue circ"ed the camped nursing staff, informing them, >)ti"" no dirty toy, dry or not, in the house!? &t didn8t matter! 'aby Aenneth had a new friendG $e""y had someone fresh to cudd"e and dropG and Daddy )pringy had

someone different to say yes about, so Poor"y 'oy cou"d a"ways be right! The thing was, who wou"d gi#e the bee a permanent home and where@ And seeing as )ue was against purp"e bees, and he cou"dn8t e#en go into the kitchen, and a"" soup and choco"ate, bacon sandwiches and ginger biscuits .things essentia" to a bee8s hea"th1 had to be taken in a"" weathers to the 6arden )hed &nfirmary, Poor"y 'oy8s e;pert team had to find a home 3uick"y! &t was getting darker too, as )eptember took the trees8 "ea#es and made "ong shadows and hid the sun a "itt"e ear"ier each e#ening! &t was (itt"e )heeps who came up with the answer! (itt"e )heeps had been away on summer ho"iday at the back of the cupboardG arri#ing back refreshed and thinking better, he assessed the situation at once! )ue went out with Inc"e Peter e#ery Friday! &t was "ike a week"y ho"iday for her! The toys a"" had their year"y ho"iday at the back of the cupboard! =a#ing been in the open air so much, that nasty onion wasn8t sme""ing Crumb"e 'ee up so bad"y at a"" now! <ight you are thenE )eeing as such a poor"y, poor"y bee, sa#ed from the :aws of a"" those horrib"e funera" f"owers with p"astic onionBsme""ing po""en, wou"d need a #ery "ong ho"iday, he cou"d go where sea, sun and sand were a"ways to be found at the back of the cupboard! 'y )aturday tea, howe#er, Crumb"e 'ee was back off ho"iday, back in bed in the shed! >Ch, a fine thing to do when my back8s turnedE? &t seemed months since she8d been in the toy cupboard! >& :ust had a funny fee"ing F Certain "ook in your eyes Poor"y 'oy F seen it so often F? and so on! 4hen Poor"y 'oy went to #isit on )unday morning, the bee was not in bed! >4here@? >There,? said $e""y! >Therapy,? she remarked! >=e8s taken to gardening o#ernight, :ust "ike that! &8#e mentioned it to him before about hospita" work being good for you 9 fresh air and onionB growing too,? said the c"e#er nurse!

>=e can "ook after the hospita" garden for usE? ye""ed Poor"y 'oy c"apping his hands, dropping $urse $e""y on her trunk! >Cfficia" =ospita" 6ardener and Charge 'ee? 9 how wonderfu" that the designer of the 6arden )hed &nfirmary had had the foresight to make each ward adaptab"e to onion beds, biscuit dispensaries and constant friendship operationsE Poor"y 'oy c"osed the door! =e8d go and congratu"ate the designer himse"f 9 thank him in the mirror that night!

Crumble ee!s "#citin$ %a&

A"" those peop"eE =e didn8t "ike the thought at a""! $ot for a moment wou"d he ha#e spoken to them both, for he "iked to see the happiness in their eyes, which reminded him of himse"f when he "ooked in the mirror when a"" the wor"d was, if not 7seaside8, then 7a poor"y toy made better8! Actua""y Poor"y 'oy hated the seaside on a hot, peop"eB swarming summer8s dayG but )ue and 'en "o#ed it, he knew, so he pretended to be e;cited at the prospect! This pretend started the e#ening before, when he persuaded Daddy )pringy to pretend to be e;cited at the prospect! 'aby Aenneth, $e""y and (itt"e )heeps were a"" acting e;cited too, for none of them wanted to go either, strange as it seems! &n the car stuck in a :am, baking in the heat of the e;cited sun on its way to the seaside and streaming in through the car window, Poor"y 'oy and his staff bra#e"y p"ayed 7=ow de"ighted we a"" areE8 Cr one did and one didn8t! 'en had whispered to )ue in the "ast minute before setting off that Crumb"e 'ee had been grumb"ing to him that he ne#er got out of "ooking after the hospita"! Poor"y 'oy had informed 'en pre#ious to this not on"y how e;cited he was, but that the others had begged him to take them too, so his entire staff was going! >6reat,? not too con#incing"y mumb"ed 'en! Then 'en had gone to )ue saying, >)ue, he8s taking the "ot with him! That8s a"" we needE =e8"" "ose one of them in the crush on the sands and we8"" spend a"" day trying to find 'aby Aenneth or whoe#er gets "ost! &8#e an idea that might change Poor"y 'oy8s mind!? )o Crumb"e 'ee had comp"ained to 'en at :ust the right time, and Poor"y 'oy had agreed that it wou"d make a nice change for the bee!

> 'ut he8s a bit grouchy, Dad, e#en when he8s in a good mood, so it8s best we on"y take Daddy )pringy as he won8t dare fa"" out with him!? .This was "ater to pro#e untrue!1 'en nodded a smug sort of nod! Poor"y 'oy :ust had time to te"" the others they wou"dn8t be going to the seaside, and they a"" c"apped their paws, trunks and ears and ran about 3uiet"y cheering! A bar of choco"ate and some dusty peanuts .the same ones a"ways used for simi"ar "ea#ings1 were p"aced on the bed, together with some comics and a :igsaw pu%%"e of =ampton Court 2a%e, so they wou"dn8t get bored! As none of them were into computers 9 and Poor"y 'oy wasn8t too keen either 9 he fe"t he needn8t warn (itt"e )heeps .the e"dest, so in charge1 to be carefu" when p"ugging in! 'aby Aenneth sat smi"ing with a "ap fu"" of dusty red peanuts! Poor"y 'oy kissed each in turn, and within an hour or so 'en was "ooking for somewhere to park on an e;citing stretch of crowded road a"ong the seafront at )andhi""BonBtheB <ocks! &t had been a happy :ourney! Crumb"e 'ee had a b"ister form on his "eft antenna 9 the one that was broken when he was first found! >&t often gi#es him troub"e, 2um!? This b"ister got bigger and bigger as the sun, eager to get to the seaside, sat in the window nearest to Crumb"e 'ee and hitched a ride from this position, ne#er mo#ing unti" they had arri#ed! Daddy )pringy to"d him to mo#e to the inside of the car, where there was "ots of room on the other side of Poor"y 'oy, )ue was in the front ne;t to 'en! Crumb"e 'ee refused! =is eyes were bad and it was dark further inside! =is eyes wou"d be strained and start to water! >'ut it8s sti"" "ighter in the car than in the shed,? said Daddy )pringy! >Des, but the shed8s not mo#ing,? moaned the bee! The origina" "ogic of this prompted )ue to ask if the bee cou"d be shut up in a not too drastic way as he was making her fee" "ess e;cited than she8d "ike!

>Don8t worry, 2ummy 9 Daddy )pringy knows what8s wrong! 6i#e us the "otion!? >$o use arguing, 2um,? said 'en weari"y, though she did a"" the whi"e as she rummaged for the suntan "otion in her bag, which a"so contained persona" items such as Poor"y 'oy8s heart tab"ets, 'en8s stomach tab"ets and )ue8s specia" tra#e" mints .the ones that soothed her ner#es on :ourneys :ust "ike this one1! $atura""y a"ways right, by the time they got the car parked .at "east ,00 yards from the beach1, Daddy )pringy was e;p"aining how he8d conc"uded that Crumb"e 'ee had sunburn! >'"isters,? offered Poor"y 'oy in support of the rabbit8s "ectureJ >you can a"ways te"" when the ear b"isters!? This was far "ess "ongBwinded than the rabbit8s medica"B type nonBmedica" termino"ogy! 'oth )ue and 'en were fee"ing e;citement ebb from them as the )andhi"" tide ebbed! 'en was a"so worrying how much the "ong scratch down the side of his car .fau"t, of course, of that other car1 was going to cost him! )ue was fed up and irritated with her husband and the bigBheaded rabbit, the sma""B minded bee, and, by no means "east, Poor"y 'oy and his big imagination 9 herse"f as we"" for forgetting to bring another packet of those so necessary mints! Things impro#ed when at "ast they saw the beach! At "east hope was renewed! They "ocated a spot of bodyB"ess sand underneath the rusty pier, we"" out of the sun, which suited Crumb"e 'ee no end! The re"ief of making him happy caused )ue momentari"y to forget how impossib"e it wou"d be to get any tan in that situation! The moment of re"ief soon o#er, 'en and Poor"y 'oy rapid"y #anished from sight down a deep ho"e! Daddy )pringy sat by )ue, becoming sandier and sandier as the one and a ha"f diggers showered sand o#er them! &t was a"" #ery e;citing 9 especia""y after the ho"e had been dug, when they straight away fi""ed it in again as neither of the diggers cou"d find any use for it! )andwiches were e;citing and the sandy grit fi""ed ones tasted particu"ar"y good 9 so much so that the une;pected"y happy Crumb"e 'ee was gi#en them a"" to eat after e;pressing

his great "iking for them! )ue8s tan was definite"y postponed as dark c"ouds now began to drop rusty rain upon their heads from the pier abo#e! The seafront cafK was, howe#er, genuine"y e;citing! 'en got into an argument with )ue, who8d forgotten to bring his stomach tab"ets from the car! Daddy )pringy got into an argument with Crumb"e 'ee .most une;pected"y as we""1 about the rabbits en#isaged e;tension to the 6arden )hed &nfirmary! This wou"d pro#ide $urse Ae""y with 7a proper c"inic for dea"ing with prob"ems "ike c"ipping the toenai"s of stuffed Aoa"a bears8! .Poor"y 'oy had been struck by the "arge c"aws on the feet of a soft toy Aoa"a in a shop, and his in#enti#e mind had wondered how he might dea" with such feet in the e#ent of soft toys being admitted for minor prob"ems 9 not :ust nai"Bcutting, but earwa; gettingsBout and broken stitches! The team had to sort such things out when )ue wou"dn8t!1 Crumb"e 'ee ob:ected strong"y, regard"ess of the sandwiches, to proposa"s meaning he8d "ose o#era"" contro" of any part of the hospita" management! 'oth arguments continued on and off through fish and chips, when it stopped raining for a whi"e! Then Daddy )pring and Crumb"e 'ee agreed to put the matter up for a #ote amongst the staff .meaning 'aby Aenneth wou"d #ote a"one as he was the on"y member without a direct interest 9 in not much of anything as it happened1! )ue and 'en didn8t agree to agree to anything! The stomach tab"et was hot"y contested! >Dou8#e a pocket, 'en, when a"" is said and done! 4hy "ea#e it a"" to me@? And the business of the scratch on the car a"so began to come back again for a noseBin! >Dou weren8t e#en "ooking, )ue! Dou weren8t e#en on the side it happened, so & shou"d know!? 4hen Poor"y 'oy cou"dn8t "ea#e without fetching some 7poor"y empty she""s to find something to put in at home to sa#e them from being "one"y8, that was it for )ue! )he went back to the car in a huff! A rather downcast 'en spent the ne;t ha"fBhour putting a mot"ey co""ection of she""s in a carrier bag!

>Aren8t we g"ad, Dad, Crumb"e 'ee8s not been the pain we a"" e;pected@? enthused an e;u"tant Poor"y 'oy! >=e8s not grumb"ed hard"y at a"" since we arri#ed, and he8s been reasonab"e o#er the hospita" thing! &t8s 2um who8s been the most grumb"y of the four of us!? 'en maintained a strained si"ence! As he stood with the fina" she"" in his hand, there came a touch on his arm fo""owed by soft"y spoken wordsJ >'en, &8#e "ost the car!? To see her again brought 'en8s first smi"e a"" afternoon 9 though f"eeting! The first e;citement since the cafK was now upon them as they chased off across the sands towards the town! >Fo""ow me, this way,? 'en cried! =e ga#e me a brief smi"e of re"ief at her touch 9 and the dawning rea"isation that the car might ha#e been sto"en, scratch and a""! Poor"y 'oy en:oyed such e#ents no end as he got to ride on 'en8s shou"ders at a rea" fast pace! )ue fo""owed on as best she cou"d, carrying bag, bucket and spades, he"ped by Crumb"e 'ee and Daddy )pring! 'aby Aenneth had the casting #ote, being the on"y #oter! Luite une;pected"y, he #oted for Crumb"e 'ee, so the proposed c"inic was deferred for now! $e""y had fa""en out with the baby rabbit o#er the =ampton Court 2a%e, Poor"y 'oy "earnt after his arri#a" home that night! =e didn8t ask why and wasn8t bothered, being too tired to bui"d a c"inic the ne;t day anyway! (ying happi"y in his bed, he "ooked back on his day at )andhi""BonBtheB<ocks! The door opened and )ue came in to kiss him goodnight! As she turned to "ea#e she began to chuck"e! >Ch Poor"y 'oy, &8"" ne#er forget Dad8s face, wi"" you@ &8m p"eased he saw the funny side of my forgetting where the car was, and going to the wrong car park a"" togetherE? >Des, 2um, & near"y ro""ed off his shou"ders when he broke up "aughing! 5#erybody thought we8d gone madE?

>6o to s"eep now, sweetheart!? 'en stood framed in the doorway by the passage "ight! >Dad, can we find an ant8s nest tomorrow@? >4hate#er for@? >)o as ants can run about those seashe""s! That way they8"" ha#e company a"" the time, :ust "ike when they had "itt"e fish in them!? >& know :ust the p"ace,? rep"ied 'en with a smi"e! >&8m too tired to bui"d a c"inic, Dad! That8s why 'aby Aenneth #oted against it for now!? >Des, son, he must be growing up to make such important decisions,? yawned 'en! >$ightBnight, Dad!? Daddy )pringy and the toys snugg"ed around Poor"y 'oy! As he drifted off to s"eep, through the bedroom window he was sure he heard Crumb"e 'ee out in the shed singing a "itt"e song "ight"y! Crumb"e 'ee, as 'en had hoped a"" those hours ago, had had a tru"y e;citing day! >Hust "ike my dad 9 a"ways thinking of others!? Poor"y 'oy was as"eep!

The 'eepers(To$ether
)ue hated )aturdays when her husband was away on the "orries! 'en had been a "orry dri#er for as "ong as Poor"y 'oy cou"d remember, and he was a"" too used to him being away for "ong periods! )ue missed her husband terrib"y, but he "o#ed dri#ing and she "o#ed him enough to a""ow him to get on with the work he took such pride in! Dri#ing, ne;t to her 9 more than her, she thought in her "owest a"one moments 9 kept him happy and satisfied in his work! At "east this was how )ue fe"t in her grumpy moods 9 those when she was a"one! )ometimes she went to her brother8s house for company 9 but no "onger at weekends! )imp"y she didn8t trust her son enough for that 9 not any more! About si; months ago, when 'en was away in the big green "orry, she8d gone to Inc"e Peter8s on two successi#e e#enings! 4hen she came home after being gone an hour on that )aturday, Poor"y 'oy had the kitchen f"oor co#ered with o"d nai"s from the shed! >That8s the "ast time you get your own way and don8t come to Inc"e Peter8s,? )ue said angri"y! >'ut, 2um, &8m o"d enough to be on my own a few seconds, and Inc"e Peter8s is on"y round the corner and &8m big enough to phone, you know!? >Poor"y 'oy, why are you putting nai"s into cottageBcheese cartons with a"" that good, soft, ro""edBup toi"et paper@? >Daddy )pringy wants to get the bent ones better by nursing them straight and things!? >Ch, & suppose he doesn8t mind them being hit on their heads when they8re we"", then!? she rep"ied sarcastica""y! >That he doesn8t mind at a"", because they8re happy doing that sort of work, standing there to be hit with a hammer! They "o#e that part of it! 'ut if they get bent through not being be"ted proper"y, they are unhappy and fee" no use to anyone!?

Poor"y 'oy ate a great dea" of cottage cheese! =e had a habit of on"y eating what Daddy )pringy thought good for him! The doctors didn8t mind, for there was a period in hospita" when they thought he8d probab"y ne#er reco#er! &t was good for e#eryone to see the "ad tucking into the re#o"ting stuff! There was ne#er a shortage of cartons to be cut up, stacked, ro""ed, fi""ed with sand or "adybirds, trodden on accident"y or used as circu"ar beds for poor"y nai"s! >They won8t get unBbent by "ying in bed,? )ue said rather scornfu""y! >Cf course they won8t! 4hat we are going to do is gi#e them some peace and rest from the co"d shed! They are i"" and need 3uiet, 2um! Then we are going to be"t them straight with the hammer!? >=it,? said )ue weari"y! >Don8t speak crude"y!? >&8m not, 2um! Daddy )pringy said 7be"t8, so b"ame him! Anyway, he on"y e#er uses proper, nice words as it8s a"" he knows!? >&f it were 7a"" he knows8, he wou"dn8t use F Ch, forget it!? )ue s"umped at the kitchen tab"e on a beaten chair with a beaten wa#e of a beaten hand! >2um,? 9 Poor"y 'oy took her beaten hand gent"y in his 9 >you8#e a"ways said how Dad was born to dri#e "orries! 4e"", nai"s are born to be be"ted 9 hit 9 with hammers, and make things "ook good by ho"ding them together, :ust "ike Dad ho"ds us together by working for us, doing what he was born to do!? 'aby Aenneth had arri#ed, p"onked on )ue8s "ap in order to catch the doctor"y wisdom! >Didn8t "itt"e Pat once te"" you to care on"y for soft toys@? >$ai"s aren8t toys at a"", 2um,? said an e;uberant Poor"y 'oy 9 rather scornfu""y, she thought! >They are keepersB together, "ike dads and mums!? >)hou"d be,? she fe"t "ike adding! The g"oom was upon her again! $eed"ess to say, Daddy )pringy super#ised whi"e Poor"y 'oy to"d )ue how to straighten nai"s without causing them undue suffering!

A coup"e of days "ater, 'en came home! >=urt your thumb, "o#e@? he said with concern as he "et go of his wife after some big, big hugs and s3uee%es! )i; months "ater! )ue was working about the houseG 'en was at work! Their son was up to something, as usua", not far away! )ue "ooked back o#er recent e#ents as peop"e often do on the shore of change when the tide of happening has gone back out! 'en and Pee 'ee .his name for Poor"y 'oy1 had set about 7fu"fi""ing8, as 'en had put it, a"" the we""Bagain nai"s! Daddy )pringy had e;p"ained his phi"osophy of keepersBtogether, and 'en there and then, with two weeks8 ho"iday, had set about gi#ing the nai"s something to "i#e for, fit and acti#e and raring to go as they now were! )ue wasn8t asked how she8d "ike to spend the ho"iday or what suggestions she might ha#e for gi#ing the nai"s purpose! They made a garden tab"e with three unpainted chairs .>for keeping together when it8s not raining,? said Poor"y 'oy1G a bo; with a "id, a"so unpainted .>for keeping 2um8s :ewe"s 9 or rather earrings 9 in together?1 and a tree house, unpainted of course, which on"y cats used, as it happened .>for keeping cats together?1! A"so, they kept shoes together in a rack and books together in a case, unpainted! 'en was happy, Poor"y 'oy and Daddy )pring were de"ighted, and e#ery sing"e nai" had fu"fi""ed its "ife purpose! >& can understand your fee"ings, )ue,? said Inc"e Peter! >Dou8#e got to remember Poor"y 'oy8s unusua" situation and his re"ationship with his dad, who he doesn8t see #ery often!? >'ut a"" of this of happiness and fu"fi"ment ne#er seems to inc"ude me!? >&t does though,? her brother rep"ied mysterious"y! $urse Ae""y came in carrying a dirty "ength of tiger8s tai"! >Poor"y 'oy, what8s that fi"thy thing doing in here@ 6et rid of it at onceE? >Can8t, 2um! &t8s for when we get a tiger to make better 9 or a "ion or a pussy cat, 8cos it wou"d do for any of them as we""!?

>)hedE? she ye""ed! >The shedE 6i#e it to Crumb"e 'eeE? >6ood idea, 2um! =e8"" sa#e it in that bott"e he8s got fu"" of body bits! =e8s got some eyes and a foot in there right now, but no tai"s! =e8"" be rea" p"eased!? >Don8t say 7happy8 or &8"" scream,? she said under her breath! >(ea#e him to it, )usan! 'en asked me to gi#e you this! Do it, he said, when &8m gone a day or two!? As Inc"e Peter mo#ed to the side she noticed, on the dresser behind, a simp"e, crudeB"ooking "etter rack that Inc"e Peter must ha#e brought from home! &t was ob#ious"y a keepersBtogether :ob, unpainted too! >Cpen the "etter? &t was open! )he read the contents! &t was confirmation of a :ob 9 her husband8s new :ob in town as a mechanic at <utherford8s, the hau"iers! >=e wanted to make you happy! =e wanted to be near you, )ue! =e8s working his fina" trip on the "orries and starts when he gets home!? As Inc"e Peter finished, a "itt"e #oice o#er in the door way added, >=e8s a keeperBtogether is Dad, 2um! Daddy )pringy made him oneG so, being one of us, he wanted to make you happy "ike the nai"s,? )he smi"ed to herse"f as she opened the microwa#e door! 'en wou"d be home soon! Funny how nai"s cou"d bring peop"e together 9 yet we are sti"" a"one in our days at work, days at home! >2um, (itt"e )heeps upset Fe"i; :ust now by kicking his mi"k o#er again coming in the back door!? >Don8t worry 9 we8"" make him happy and gi#e him some more!? &dea""y the three of them wou"d be together a"" of the time! >Cr wou"d it be that indeed@? she wondered! >=ow easy is it to bend a nai"@? >Poor"y 'oy, the microwa#e door! 'aby Aenneth is not doing his :ob proper"y!? )he8d ta"k to her husband that night 9 rea""y ta"k 9 find out if he was happy to be at <utherford8s!

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