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3-8 Squares and Square Roots

Things to know
Taking the square root of a
number is the inverse
(opposite) of squaring the
Every positive # has two
6² = 36 √36 = 6
square roots, one + and one -.
One square root of 16 is 4,
since 4 x 4 = 16. The other
square root of 16 is -4 since (-
You can
4)(-4) is write the square root of
also 16.
16 as ± 4, meaning positive or
negative 4.
Things to know
When you press the √ on the
calculator it only gives you the
nonnegative square root. This is
called the Principal square root.
√-49 and -√49 are not the
same. A negative number has
no real square root.
A perfect square is a number
that has integers as its
square roots. They are….
1 3 9 1625 36 49 64 81
, , , , , , , , …
Things to know

In the order of operations, a

square root symbol is like
an exponent.
Everything underneath the
square root symbol is
treated as if it were in
is like

Try these
Find the two square roots of each number
Evaluate expressions containing
square roots
2 evaluate the square root first
2(4) + 5

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