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LabVIEW Crash Course

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Goals of Crash Course

Become Familiar with the Interface
Become Familiar with Basic Commands Become Familiar with Basic Elements

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Crash Course Parts

Section 1: Introduction Presentation
Section 2: Worksheet

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What is LabVIEW?
Laboratory Virtual Instrumental Engineering Workbench LabVIEW is a graphical language It works just like block diagrams LabVIEW consists of two environments Backpanel/Block Diagram Frontpanel

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Back Panel
This is where you build your Programs
All blocks and programming elements go here

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Block Explanation
Blocks are called VIs VIs come in a variety of shapes and sizes VIs are connected to each other by wires

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Block Explanation
Formatting Inputs Outputs

Data Flow

VIs are setup so data moves from left to right Each data type has its own wire color Constants, Controls, Variables and Indicators have the same color scheme

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Block Diagram
Execution Order Can be a Problem

0 or 6?
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Block Diagram
Execution Order Can be a Problem
Solve with Sequence Structures or Data Flow

Right Click =>Structures => Flat Sequence => For Loop, While Loop, Timed Structure, ETC

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Express VIs
Automate Frequently used operations Will be used to generate signals

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If youre unsure how to use a VI use ctrl-H for context help LabVIEW contains several example VIs Keep an eye on what data types you use

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Debugging Highlights Data Flow
You can also use the Error Data Type

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Front Panel
This is where your programs will output to There is no zoom function what you see is what you get

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Front Panel
Objects placed on the Front Panel will create icons in the back panel for the VI to manipulate

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Advanced Topics
Loops, case structures, comments, variables, sub-programs and just about every other Comp-Sci term can be implemented in LabVIEW There is text programming in LabVIEW For more info visit NIs website

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Work on the back panel first Dont cross wires Keep the diagram clean If in doubt: right-click

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Ctrl-B Ctrl-R Ctrl-E Ctrl-T Ctrl-H Ctrl-(drag) Shift-(Right Click) -Remove Broken Wires -Run VI -Change Environment -Tiled View -Show Icon Help -Copy to Location -Call Cursor Palette

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Other Resources
LabVIEW for Dummies

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Worksheet Time!

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