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Brittany Gibson Orientation to Your School Part B 1/30/2014 Principal Interview 1. What is the history of the school?

When was it built? What changes have occurred over time? -The building was built in the 1950s. It used to be a lot smaller, but in 2002 the building was remodeled and expanded. The four colors (red, blue, yellow, and green) were added on during this expansion. 2. What are some of the difficulties the school faced in regards to: materials, space, funding, curriculum, and district mandates? -We are always looking for more space. We would love to have small group curriculum, but theres just not enough space to do that. The budget hasnt grown in a few years, but we are making due just fine. Theres always areas that could use more funding, but we are lucky with what we have. 3. What educational challenges do you see facing this particular school population? -The number of students who are coming in and out of the school is always up and down. Students have to keep moving in and out of the area because there are families who move in because of the University, and the families of construction workers who come for a short period of time. This is also a lower economic area compared to the other schools. There is a huge range in the economic classes of the families. 4. How do you see Art education addressing some of the difficulties? -We want to make sure that we recognize each students needs. Some students excel in reading and writing, and some students can excel in Art. Art gives these students a place where they can excel in the school. 5. What are some of the successes that the school has achieved? -There is a big emphasis on literacy. Weve created a culture of caring adults who are comfortable taking risks for the benefit of the students. As a school community we participate in things like, the school mural, the helping hands fair. 6. How are special needs students, both developmentally disabled and gifted students, integrated/supported within the school population? -They are integrated throughout the school, and included in areas with their peers. Each child is provided with a para who shadows them throughout the day in all of their classes. We also provide the students with ELL, ESL, Title I, etc. 7. How do you see the potential of art education helping to meet their needs? -Theres many benefits. The general population of the school sees that everyone has an ability to contribute to the group.

8. If you could have an artist work with students on a project to better the school/ community what would it be? - I think that it would be nice to have painting all around the school. We dont have enough of that. 9. Is there anything else that you would like to share that might help me better understand the school and local community? -The community at this school is very supportive, and that is really important to the development of the students. I was really surprised at the support we got for the mural outside of the school. The mural helped create a community, and gave those students who do not succeed in other classes an opportunity to do something great.

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