Color & Shape Blending Tool

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Color & Shape Blending Tool

1. Color blending is fun and very easy to do. You can end up having cool creative shapes with the blending tool. Now for this tutorial, create two shapes separate from each other.

2. Now just go to the tool bar and select the blend tool button.

3. Now from the beginning, double clic on the blend tool button !or just hit enter while blend tool is selected" and open up the dialog bo#. You should see the following dialog bo# li e the screenshot above. $ere are the setting details%

&mooth Color ' &mooth transition &pecified &teps ' You can assign the number of shapes you want inbetween the original shapes. &pecified (istance ' )ives specified distance per blending object.

*. Now all you need to do is clic one shape, then the other shape and it will do everything for you.

+. ,his one is specified steps blend in action.

-. .f you want to split each morphed shape apart, go to /012C, and 2345N(. $it /6 with both &,7/62 and 8.99 chec ed. ,hen ungroup the shapes and you should be able to move each one of them.

:. ;y result of spreading them apart

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