Victoriana 3 Edition House Rules: Ambidexterity

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Victoriana 3rd Edition House Rules

Add the following to the end of this talent: "You may take this Talent again to gain the ability to make an attack with your off hand and your main hand as part of the same action. Each additional hand requires the Talent an additional time."

Clockwork Limb
Add the following to the end of this Talent: "You gain one free modification for the limb, and may buy more with money or build points" n the clockwork limbs section of the book, reduce the cost of all modifications by !"#, to a minimum of !"#, and replace the pricing and statistics of the limbs with the following tables: $ealth %ice &ost "asic Arm "asic $and "asic 1eg "asic 2oot "asic Eye * . , . ! +,+.0 +0+*+30 "# 'od (lots )ther , * , . * . ! . ! ! * "lack %ice on nitiati4e, /!-5 6ange . "lack %ice on fine manipulation, /. melee damage . "lack %ice on fine manipulation, /. punching damage $alf running speed, /. kick damage

$ealth %ice &ost 7ood Arm 7ood $and 7ood 1eg 7ood 2oot 7ood Eye , , 0 * . +3+00 +8+0+!-0

"# 'od (lots )ther 8 3 3 , 0 * . * . . . "lack %ice on nitiati4e, /.-5 6ange 2ine %etail 'odification, /. melee damage 2ine %etail 'odification, /. punching damage Thaumically &ompressed Actuator, /. kick damage

$ealth %ice &ost 2inest Arm 0 +!-+80 +!!+9+!*0

"# 'od (lots )ther !9 9 : 3 , * , * * ! "lack %ice on nitiati4e, /*-5 6ange 2ine %etail 'odification, /* melee damage 2ine %etail 'odification,/* punching damage Thaumically &ompressed Actuator, /* kick damage

2inest $and 0 2inest 1eg 2inest 2oot 2inest Eye : , *

Proprietary and Notoriety

(e4eral #ri4ileges and &omplications need to ad;ust #ropriety and <otoriety. #ri4ileges: "arrister: ! #ropriety "lackguard: * <otoriety <otary #ublic: ! #ropriety =arrant &ard: ! #ropriety, ! <otoriety &omplications: "ad 6eputation: * <otoriety &riminal: . <otoriety E4il Twin: . <otoriety E>alted Twin: . #ropriety #ublic 2igure: ! #ropriety, . <otoriety

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