Prezi Olympic Athlete Biography Presentation-Rubric

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Rubric: Prezi Olympic Athlete Biography Presentation


Introduction o Presents the specific topic of the presentation (Which athlete? Genre= Biography Presentation) in a way that captures interest. Middle o 3 words are selected to describe the athlete & specific evidence is included to support each (e.g., Quotations or specific actions). o 3 other sub-topics (e.g., Early Years, Achievements, Obstacles Overcome) are well-developed with interesting details

Introduction o Presents the general topic of the presentation (Which athlete?) in a way that captures interest. Introduction o Presents the general topic of the presentation (Which athlete?).


Middle o 3 words are selected to describe the athlete & general evidence is included to support each.

Middle o 2 or fewer words are selected to describe the athlete & evidence is missing.

o 3 other sub-topics (e.g., Early Years, Achievements, Obstacles Overcome) are covered with some detail.

o 2 or fewer additional sub-topics (e.g., Early Years, Achievements, Obstacles Overcome) are covered but are lacking detail.

Conclusion o Summarizes the presentation and leaves the audience cheering for the athlete in competitions beyond Sochi.

Conclusion o Summarizes the presentation and leaves the audience thinking about the athlete.

Conclusion o Summarizes the presentation.

References o 2 or more links to information sources are included.

References o Only one link to an information source is included.

References o Links to information sources are not included.

Frames are used to group all related ideas (e.g., Early Years, Achievements, Obstacles Overcome)

Frames are used to group all related ideas--except 1 subtopic



Frames are used to group all related ideas--except 2 subtopics


All frames include at least 1 visual (e.g., picture, video, diagram) or audio file (e.g., voice-over, podcast) that clearly supports the ideas in the accompanying text

All frames include at least 1 visual or audio file that is somewhat related to the ideas in the accompanying text

1 or more frames do not include a visual or audio file that supports the ideas in the accompanying text OR 1 or more frames contain multimedia that is unrelated to the ideas in the text


Entire path moves from one frame to the next in a logical order: o Ideas (e.g., Chronological: Early Years Training leading up to Olympics Achievements at Sochi)

Path generally moves from one frame

to the next in a logical order

Spatially on the canvas (e.g., horizontally from left to right, vertically from top to bottom or bottom to top, diagonally from lower-left corner to upper-right corner, or clockwise)

Viewers are confused only once or twice by the jump from one idea to the next and/or from one place to another on the canvas

Path could have been better planned out Viewers are often confused by the jump from one idea to the next and/or from one place to another on the canvas

Throughout the presentation zooming in and out is consistently and effectively used to help viewers focus on: o how the frames fit together on the whole canvas o subtopics (frames) o key ideas within each subtopic (frame)

During the presentation, zooming in is consistently and effectively used to help viewers focus on the subtopics (frames) & the key ideas within each subtopic (frame) However, viewers sometimes lose a sense of where each frame fits on the overall canvas because the presentation does not zoom back out after the close-up of each frame

During the presentation, zooming in is sometimes used effectively to help viewers focus on the subtopics (frames) & the key ideas within each subtopic (frame) Viewers sometimes lose a sense of where each frame fits on the overall canvas because the presentation does not zoom back out after the close-up of each frame


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