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Group Curriculum Project: Brave Girls: Building Self-Esteem in Adolescent Girls Alana Sopko Malone University

2 GROUP CURRICULUM PROJECT I. Six Session Curriculum: 1. Title of the Group: Brave Girls: Building Self-Esteem 2. Type of Group: Counseling and Support- Members come to group and work to support one another with the leaders help and guidance. 3. Focused Theme: Developing a sense of self-worth and self-confidence in girls. We will also deal with issues of emotions, body image, healthy relationships and so on. 4. Rational: Adolescent girls are one of the most vulnerable populations to threats on selfesteem and are at higher risk for: Unhealthy expression of emotions & depression, Poor body image, Difficulty dealing with stress, Trouble making friends and peer pressure 5. Population: Girls from grades 6th through 8th 6. Number of Members: 6 through 10 7. Theoretical Approach Used: CBT and REBT 8. Activities and Techniques: Because this group will be conducted under the REBT theoretical framework activities be either: cognitive, emotive or behavioral, such as: Disrupting Irrational Beliefs- Attacking shoulds, oughts and musts, Doing Cognitive Homework, Role Playing, Rounds, Dyads and Triads, Creative Exercises, Written Exercises, Movement Exercises, etc. 9. Desired Outcomes: Finding Healthy Ways to Deal With and Express Emotions Developing a Healthy Body Image Dealing with Difficult issues in Constructive Ways Making Friends and Handling Peer Pressure Happy to be Me, Promoting Self-Worth

3 GROUP CURRICULUM PROJECT Session 1: Beginning Stage Subtopic: Promoting Self-Esteem GOALS: 1. Establish group rules and purpose 2. Begin discussing the concept of Self-Esteem 3. Introduce Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) ICEBREAKER: 5 min. The Common Game: Use of Repeat Rounds: Students have to repeat the names of the previous members before introducing themselves- name, grade and what they hope to learn ACTIVITY & DISCUSSION 10 min. Sentence Completion Exercise Students will individually complete their fill-in-the-blanks. When done they will be asked to share one or two of their answers in a large group. 10mins Introduce Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) ABC Theory Changing ones Language Should's, Ought's and Must's 5 min. Happy to be Me Questionnaire Have students break into dyads or triads to discus one of the questions that closely relates to them on a deeper level. Look for similarities and differences with your partner. Return to a large group and process. ENDING RITUAL: 5 min. Closing Questions: What did you learn about yourself today? How can you use what you learned today in the future? Doing Cognitive Homework (REBT): Think About it: Emotions Journaling Students will be asked to journal about three of the given questions on emotions. The goal is to get them in touch with their emotions in preparation for the next week's subtopic. Instruct students that the journal should be turned at the beginning of the next session and are for learning purposes of the leader only.


Think About It: Emotions

DIRECTIONS: Think about your emotions. What do they look like? How do you express them? Do you express your anger healthy? Think about the statements below, chose three of them to answer honestly. Try and relate your answers back to your self-esteem. The journals are due for next session and are for the learning proposes of the leader only.

1. Talk about a time you recall when a minor situation caused you to lose your temper. 2. Do you consider yourself an emotional person? Why or why not? 3. What are some unhealthy ways that you express your emotions? 4. Whom do you get angry at the most? Whom do you take your anger out on? 5. Talk about a time when you were overemotional and later regretted it. 6. How do your family members express their emotions? 7. Has anyone ever called you a drama queen? If so, how did you feel about it? 8. Do you ever feel that your parents ignore your feelings? 9. What are some situations that really make you emotional? 10. Name some of the emotions or feelings that are typical of you every day. 11. When do you feel the most emotional? 12. What is the worst thing you have done while you were angry with someone? 13. Talk about a time when you regretted being overemotional. 14. In what situations do you wish you could be more relaxed? 15. What are some healthy ways for you to express your emotions?

5 GROUP CURRICULUM PROJECT Session 2: Transition & Working Stage Subtopic: Dealing with Emotions 5 min. GOALS: 1. Review last sessions topics 2. Identify healthy and unhealthy ways to express emotions 3. Discuss how these effect ones self-esteem ICEBREAKER: 10 min. The Blame Game Begin with a discussion on healthy expression of emotion avoidance of feelings. Handout "blaming statements" strips and have students act out their assigned scenario. Finally process and discuss how avoiding feelings affect self-esteem. ACTIVITY & DISCUSSION 5 min. Review A-B-C Theory Belief-Event-Response: Change belief, change response 5 min. Round and Open Discussion How can you apply REBT and ABC Theory to your life? Relate it back to Emotions, Self-Esteem or Both 15 min. "Feeling Blue" Arts and Crafts exercise where student use shades of blue to create a picture or design about sadness. Encourage the girls to about events or situations that make them sad and how they are best able to cope with these situations. Discuss differences between feeling blue and depression. ENDING RITUAL: 5 min. Closing Questions: What makes it difficult to accept responsibility for your actions? What feelings are you trying to avoid? How will you use what you have learned today in the future? Doing Cognitive Homework (REBT): Think About It: Emotions Worksheet Student will be asked to complete the form on emotions and journal about the topics turn it in for the next session. The worksheet is designed to reinforce what the students have learned in this session.


The Blame Game

RATIONALE: Adolescents often blame other people for their problems and most have trouble accepting responsibility for their actions. Many teens do not understand that blaming only leads to more conflicts. Statements including the words always and never, as well as statements like It is their fault, are examples of blaming statements that prevent people from taking responsibility for their actions or seeking help. In this activity, the girls will play The Blame Game to become aware of the amount of blaming they do. MATERIALS: Small ball Basket or bowl Copy of The Blame Game Statements (cut into slips and placed in the basket or bowl) PROCEDURE: 1. Prior to the group meeting, place the slips with the blaming phrases in the bowl or basket. 2. Begin the group with a discussion about blaming. Ask the girls to give examples of how easy it is to blame other people for our mistakes. (Talk about the statement Its not my fault! Ask the girls about the last time they said it) 3. Pass the bowl to each girl and instruct her to close her eyes and pick out one of the phrases. 4. Have each girl read aloud the blaming statement she selected and instruct the group to discuss how this statement can be used to avoid responsibility.


Think about It: Emotions

DIRECTIONS: Think about your anger. What does it look like? How do you express it? Would you be open to changing how you express your anger? Think about it below and honestly finish the statements. 1. When I get angry, I _______________________________. Is my reaction healthy? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. How does my family express their anger? (List each family member who lives in your house and describe what he or she does when angry.) a. ______________________: __________________________________________ b. ______________________: __________________________________________ c. ______________________: __________________________________________ d. ______________________: __________________________________________ Are my familys reactions healthy? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Some healthy alternative ways I can handle my anger are . . . ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. The people I can talk to when I get angry are . . . ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Optional Journaling Questions: When was the last time you got really mad at someone and directed your anger at him or her? Why do you think it's easier to blame others than to accept responsibility when you get mad?

8 GROUP CURRICULUM PROJECT Session 3: Working Stage Subtopic: Developing a Healthy Body Image GOALS: 1. Review last sessions topic 2. Address issues pertaining to healthy body image 3. Identify healthy female role models in our community, culture, and society ICEBREAKER: 5 min. What Makes Me Feel Good About Myself? Have students break into dyads and triads and fill out their rating scale worksheet; discuss likenesses & differences. Have them process last question in large group. ACTIVITY & DISCUSSION 15 min. Styrofoam Cup Students will punch holes in their cups as they think about the things that have caused them to have a negative view of themselves, this should be thoughtful. Have members who want to share help deepen the focus and help to draw out members who have not yet shared. 10 min. Adjective Checklist and Strength Bombardment Members will take turns being the focus. Using a round every member will write a complimentary adjective on the board describing that individual, these adjectives should all be strengths and aimed at building a positive self-image. 5 min. Discussion and Processing Take 5 min. for all the students to reflect on what they have learned about themselves today ENDING RITUAL: 10 min. Closing Questions: How have the views and comments of others affected your self-esteem? What are some ways that you could go about building your own self-esteem? What about building your friends Self-esteem? Doing Cognitive Homework (REBT): A Healthier Me: Students are asked to track all of their healthy behaviors throughout the week. Then discuss how making better choices affected their self-esteem.


A Healthier Me
A Healthier ME Exercise: Amount of time spent exercising Health Amount of Factors Fresh Sleep: Hours of sleep Air: Amount of a night time spent outside Balanced Meals: Did you eat more fresh foods or junk food today? Recreation: Amount of time spend on doing something you enjoy Quiet Time: Amount of time spent alone to reflect and relax








How did making better, healthier choices effect your self-esteem? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

10 GROUP CURRICULUM PROJECT Session 4: Working Stage Subtopic: Dealing with Difficult Issues GOALS: 1. Review last sessions topic 2. Identify issues that are difficult to deal with 3. Help recognize ways that a person can cope with difficult issues ICEBREAKER: 15 min. Values Continuum Student will be asked to stand in the middle of the room and then move to a position dependent on their situation. The goal of this activity is to provide students with a feeling of togetherness. Student will process the activity as it goes along. After each movement I will ask how they feel about what they see, are they surprised? ACTIVITY & DISCUSSION: 5 min. Group Discussion and Processing Eating Disorders, Self-Harm, Divorce, Loss or Greif, Relationships, Diversity and Multiculturalism, etc. Relate back to self-esteem. 10 min. If You Really Knew Me Have the students break into dyads and triads and work on their papers, discussing together what they find most important. 5 min. Discussion and Processing When the small groups are done we will reconvene in a large group and talk about the most important thing they had learned today. ENDING RITUAL: 10 min. Closing Questions: Someone who surprised me by how different than I thought they were is... What feelings come along with being on a side of the "situation?" Doing Cognitive Homework (REBT): SOS- Seek Out Someone: Students are to identify someone that they trust and are able to confide in when deep issues arise. They are then to develop a plan of action in dealing with an issue that may arise and journal about how having a plan of action and someone to turn to will help them in the future.


If You Really Knew Me

1. One word that describes how you are feeling. 2. Something that might surprise the group to know about you. 3. Something that you are grateful for and why. 4. Biggest dream for your life and what inspires you. 5. The nicest thing you have ever seen anyone doing for another person 6. Biggest challenge you have faced and what have you learned from the experience. 7. The person that you feel safest to share your heart with. 8. My relationship with my family is 9. That what I find most difficult about coming to school is 10. The way most people see me or label me is... 11. If you really knew me you would know ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 12. Something I might be afraid for you to know about me is ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

12 GROUP CURRICULUM PROJECT Session 5: Transition & Working Stage Subtopic: Building Friendships & Handling Peer Pressure 5 min. GOALS: 1. Review last sessions topic 2. How to be a friend 3. Discuss peer pressure and how to handle it ICEBREAKER: 5 min. The Challenge for Today Have the students choose a topic from the list (or make up their own) to be their friendship goal of the day. Discuss all the different ways to be a friend. ACTIVITY & DISCUSSION: 15 min. What Would a Friend Do??? Cut scenarios into strips and pass them out to each of the girls. Have them read the scenario out loud and then as a group come up with options. Process after, How has this helped you become a better friend? 10 min. Ways to Say No Have members break into triads and discuss the Ways to Say No worksheet. Have them identify one that they have used in the past, their favorite and one that they are likely to use in the future. After that we will come back into a large group to process and discuss. Have them discuss what the hardest aspects about saying No to peer pressure are as well as how this activity has helped them. ENDING RITUAL: 10 min. Closing Questions: What did you learn today that you could apply to your real life? How can you become a better friend? In what ways are you more equip to handle peer pressure? Doing Cognitive Homework (REBT): Secret Buddies Assign each student a secret buddy on campus. This is someone they can do friendly things for without the person knowing. Have the members record their experiences in a journal for the next week. The goal for this exercise is to have the students reflect on what they have learned and build skills to be used in real life friendships.


What Would a Friend Do???

You hear some kids talking about your friend behind his back. A friend would ____________________________________________________________________ Your friend is failing a class and begs you to help them cheat on the test. A friend would _____________________________________________________________________ You are upset that your best friend has been hanging out with another person who you do not get along with. A friend would ____________________________________________________________________ Two friends of yours are at odds with each other. They demand that you choose between them. You do not want to lose either of them. A friend would ... ____________________________________________________________________ Your best friend invites you to go to a movie but you are already going to that movie with another friend. A friend would ____________________________________________________________________ Your friend wants to spend more time with you than you want to spend with her. You like this person very much but you want more freedom. A friend would ____________________________________________________________________ You go to the store with your friend to buy a snack. When you arrive, your friend notices that they forgot to bring their money. A friend would _____________________________________________________________________ You and your friend find a pack of cigarettes on the kitchen table. Your friend takes them and asks you if you would like to try one. A friend would

14 GROUP CURRICULUM PROJECT Session 6: Ending Stage Subtopic: Happy to Be Me GOALS: 1. Review previous topics 2. Discus importance of experience 3. Identify personal growth ICEBREAKER: 5 min. Evaluations ACTIVITY & DISCUSSION: 15 min. Discussion Questions: Do you think you have to "prove yourself" in order to deserve high self-esteem? - Do you have to be great at something? - Do you have to be super-popular or part of the "in-crowd?" - Do you have to be terrifically good-looking? Can we sometimes be too critical of ourselves? - What happens when we do that? (ask for examples) - Can self criticism sometimes be good for us? How? (ask for examples) - How do we know when we've crossed the line? 15 min. How Far Have You Come? All of the students will be asked to stand side by side in a line (this will be their starting point, before therapy), as it becomes their turn they will walk to the point they are at now in relation to their goals. Processing and discussion will be done as the activity goes on, each person will be allowed to talk about their thoughts, feeling and growth related to self-esteem. ENDING RITUAL: Closing Celebration 10 min. Appreciations Have members come together as a large group and do tag appreciations, where one person says something she appreciates about another member in the group; then that person appreciates someone else, until everyone has been appreciated. End with hugs!


Group Evaluation
Please answer the following questions by circling the appropriate number: 1 being somewhat untrue and 5 being very true. 1. I found this group experience to be worthwhile. 2. I would recommend being in a group to my friends. 3. The group made progress in accomplishing its goal. 4. I felt a change for the better in my self-esteem. 5. I feel more empowered then I did before. 6. I feel as if I gained leadership skills. 7. I have made real friendships. 8. I have learned about goal setting and planning. 9. My self-perception has improved. 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345 12345

10. What I liked most about this group was. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 11. What I liked least about this group was ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 12. To improve the group I would suggest ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

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