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Nama: Limas Baginta Jurusan: Teknik Komputer NPM: 130636 6!

MPK Bahasa Inggris

"o#ia$ E%ents
"o#ia$ e%ent p$anners &ork on a 'roa( %ariety o) e%ents*This #ategory o) e%ent p$anning in%o$%es &e((ings+ 'irth(ay parties+ ho$i(ay parties+ anni%ersary parties+ gra(uation parties+ an( a$$ other so#ia$ gatherings or e%ents* , so#ia$ e%ent p$anner is responsi'$e )or se$e#ting the %enue+ (etermining any themes or (esign s#hemes+ or(ering an( p$anning (e#orations+ arranging )or #atering an( entertainment+ an( ha%ing in%itations printe( an( sent out* -e((ings are the most &i(e$y re#ogni.e( so#ia$ e%ent* ,s &e kno&+ a &e((ing is the #eremony &here peop$e are unite( in marriage* It 'rings signi)i#ant sta'i$ity an( su'stan#e to human re$ationships+ &hi#h is other&ise in#omp$ete* -e((ing p$anners are a key p$ayer in the so#ia$ e%ent #ategory* The tit$e seems g$amorous an( has a #ertain per#eption that most o) us &i$$ ho$(* The management in%o$%e( in p$anning a &e((ing in%o$%es stri#t attention to (etai$* /on0t )orget that the p$anner is responsi'$e )or #reating &hat is #onsi(ere( to 'e the most important (ay o) a #oup$e0s $i)e* -e((ing has the parti#ipants to atten(* -e((ing #eremony parti#ipants+ a$so re)erre( to as the &e((ing party+ are the peop$e that parti#ipate (ire#t$y in the &e((ing #eremony itse$)* 1o&e%er+ E))e#ti%e &e((ing p$anners &i$$ ha%e )orme( #onta#ts &ith the &e((ing parti#ipant )or a %ariety o) ser%i#es an( %enues+ su#h as hote$s+ &e((ing $o#ations+ (e#orating #ompanies+ #atering #ompanies+ 'ri(a$ shops+ musi#ians+ photographers+ )$orists+ an( so )orth* 2ther so#ia$ e%ents su#h as 'irth(ay parties+ ho$i(ay parties+ anni%ersary parties+ gra(uation parties has their so#ia$ e%ent p$anners as &e$$* The so#ia$ e%ent p$anners ha%e to make a su##es)u$ so#ia$ e%ent* Lot o) so#ia$ e%ent p$anners &ere pai( 'y the so#ia$ e%ent o&ner* The tota$ amount o) the so#ia$ e%ent p$anners &as tentati%e* It &as #onsi(ere( 'y the o&ner* "o#ia$ e%ents has a su##es)u$ rate* It &as (epen(e( on the o&ner itse$)* I) the o&ner &as satis)ie( &ith the e%ent &ho ma(e 'y the so#ia$ e%ent p$anners+ it &i$$ 'e #a$$e( a su##es)u$ e%ent* There)ore+ the so#ia$ e%ent p$anners ha%e to 'e #reati%e an( smart in or(er to make a su##ess)u$ e%ent )or the o&ner*

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