Conventional Vs Alternative Medicine Vocabulary

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Conventional vs.

Alternative Medicine

Part A.
Instructions: The following words are associated with either conventional or
alternative medicine. Write a C for conventional and A for Alternative.
Some answers may be both.
1. ____________ massage
2. ____________ aromatherapy
3. ____________ surgery
4. ____________ an X-ray
5. ____________ herbs

6. ____________ needles
7. ____________ injections
8. ____________ drugs
9. ____________ meditation
10. ____________ acupuncture

Part B
Instructions: The following words are either symptoms or treatments. Write
S for symptom and T for treatment. A word can be used for both.
1. ____________ an itch
2. ____________ a cold
3. ____________ a headache
4. ____________ a fever
5. ____________ a rash
6. ____________ a sore throat
7. ____________ a backache
8. ____________ insomnia
9. ____________ a stomachache
10. ____________ lose weight
11. ____________ plastic surgery
12. ____________ a bruise
13. ____________ hospitalization
14. ____________ a cough
15. ____________ acupuncture
16. ____________ a shot/an injection

17. ____________ put on weight

18. ____________ an X-ray
19. ____________ a sneeze
20. ____________ antibiotics
21. ____________ a sprain
22. ____________ a bandage
23. ____________ cough syrup
24. ____________ cream
25. ____________ dieting
26. ____________ exercise
27. ____________ an operation
28. ____________ painkillers
29. ____________ stitches
30. ____________ physiotherapy
31. ____________ pills
32. ____________ vitamins

Part C.
Instructions: Place the nouns from Part B into the follow categories. They will
make Noun + Verb pairs.
apply/put on




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