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David Lynch Professor Grant English 1102 February 6, 2014 Pop Culture Essay Is Religion a form of Pop culture?

I would pose this question to everyone who doesnt believe that religion wasnt built on the foundation of America to remain financially and economically stable over the course of time. Popular culture, if I were to describe it is the cultures that affect the people in the masses, often Followed and idolized by the majority of a population. To me this is the internet, movies, T.V., and many different types of technology just to mention some of the more prevalent forms of popular culture. There is also a strong connection in populations of entire countries that are strongly based on a cultural phenomenon, which has bonded us for hundreds of years, Religion is the corner stone to our society, and also the foundation of the empire that our founding fathers built. Religion has shaped our environment and our economy in many ways. Has religion turned more away from the spiritual and connective powers for a more monetary position in today society? Could you in vision a nation that has not been led by the power of beliefs and religion, how would it be? There are so many things that we can speak upon in building this nation. The Slave trade made it possible to build and construct a society, and economy. TheLaws of the Land are most often guided by our Christian society and ethics of the

Commandments in the Bible. Thou shalt not kill, among others of the Ten Commandments are often used in many ways to prevent the destruction of a entire country. Rules and Laws that derive from the constitution are not a always a bad thing, it allows our freedoms, but also can be proven to be a shackle on society. One of the most often talked about discussions is for homo-sexual rights. We live in a society that takes away the right of Marriage between the same sexes. Is this a coincidence? I think not, religion around the world does not condone practices. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 states . "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." This is very much a reason in itself a scary thought, that you might not be able to be accepted into heaven strictly off these reasons. But in the same we dont allow homosexuals to marry in the most of the United states for sake of religions and beliefs. As a child I can remember the first values being taught from the Bible. My mother preaching and singing and celebrating Jesus and Church would feel my house every Sunday. She taught me right and wrong from what she learned from her mother that was passed down from generation to generation. I can imagine most Americans can think of similar stories. We raise hands all across America to a nation under God Indivisible when we are children. If that isnt a symbolism of pop culture, then I dont know what is. Many dont even realize the amount of infl uence that religion has on all of us. For example the phrase, bless you or God bless you, derived from Pope Gregory the Great. He first said this during the Bubonic plague, epidemic that hit Europe centuries ago. One of the common signs of being sick was a

sneeze, so when someone would sneeze, the common thing to say is God bless you! which is a religious term that we use every day in America. Most not even knowing where it came from. Our nation was Built on the success and popularity of religion, its a common occurrence in our everyday lives. When I think about America I think of money and power. When I think of church I think of faith and money. I believe that the Faith part is often the smaller part of equation. Filing taxes is something that the Government set up for citizens to report revenue in a year time. In filing your taxes, (which there is no law stating that you have to) one of your deductibles are tides paid in Church, yet another form of implementing church on society. Religion is a lucrative business that grosses millions of dollars a year. Yet this is all tax free money, which is given to whom? Do you get where I am going with this? If not let me elaborate, Religion is now something that can be learned in colleges across America. Its now become a test to see if you know enough about Religion to earn a decent living. Its also something that is shunned for not paying 10% of your income to Church. I myself see how pop culture is more focused on the financial success of many churches more than the Content of the materials taught. I can only imagine a United States without religion. It would be horrible; fighting, stealing, corrupt cops and war like scenarios in the more poverty stricken cities. But is that much different than what is going on currently? I wonder has religion actually really shaped society or is it just another form of culture that we make popular through media and entertainment. Imagine an America without religion. I can assume that it might not be an entirely bad thing. It will open more doors for diversity, and for different cultures to influence our nation. The diversity of religion has formed a planet of hate and war. I

have been to Afghanistan several times, and have spoken to many of the people there and they all tell stories on the previous civil wars that have ripped apart there country for many of years. I see a nation now where we allow differences of religions to affect us as a people. Everyone will always have stereotypes, but the ignorance and lack of sensitivity to other cultures can affect the growth of our nation. In a world without the ignorance, we can start to focus on the real importance, to me which is not religion but more prosperity. Overall Religion I believe is the footing that we needed to establish the United States of America, Its lost some of its spiritual value in society, and adopted a more monetary solution to some of our problems. I imagine an America with a melting pot of ideas not only religion, but I see that religion will remain a big part of our pop culture for many years to come. To me this is why religion is one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons.

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