Water Olympics Student Lab

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Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________ Class: _______

Group Members:

HYPOTHESES: (15 points) Make your predictions 5 points (Your predications for eac station must be done on t e back of eac lab s eet prior to t e start of t e !lympic round" Record your actual results 5 points Calculate t e difference 5 points

CONCLUSION: (25 POINTS) #rite a $%para&rap concludin& para&rap for '(C) e*periment you conducted makin& sure to discuss t e +arious ,ater properties illustrated in eac e*periment and e*plain o, your results support or not support t e ypot eses you made prior to startin& your e*periment" -lease ,rite t is in your lab notebook"

Concluding Qu stions: (15 points) .ist/ e*plain t e properties of ,ater in a c art" Dra, and label , ere applicable"

Compare and Contrast Co esion / (d esion"



'*plain surface tension"



!"#$ing %#t & '#c

(#c)g&ound In*o&"#tion #ater molecules are attracted to eac ot er because of t eir molecular structure" 0 is attraction of like molecules is called co esion" 0 is causes ,ater molecules to ,ant to stay to&et er unless t e co esi+e bonds are ,eakened" 1oap ,eakens t e stron& bonds bet,een ,ater molecules"

+#t &i#ls
(ma2in& #ater Race: roll of ,a* paper3 copies of ,ater ma2e3 tape3 eyedropper3 toot picks3 li4uid soap

'ESULTS T&i#l 1 2 . !/ &#g


Ti" (s c) %#t & '#c

L ngt, (c") %#t & St& tc,

0old #nd 0lo#t

(#c)g&ound (luminum s ould sink , en placed in ,ater because it as a density t at is &reater t an t at of ,ater" )o,e+er3 , en a piece of aluminum foil is placed flat on t e surface of ,ater3 it ,ill often float" 0 is is because t e surface tension of ,ater is stron& enou& to old up t e aluminum foil e+en t ou& it is 5"6 times denser t an ,ater" 1urface tension is caused by t e co esion bet,een ,ater molecules" 0 e molecules belo, t e surface of t e ,ater are attracted e4ually in all directions3 , ile t ose on t e surface are only attracted to t e sides and do,n,ard" 0 is causes t e surface of t e ,ater to contract and act like it is co+ered ,it a t in film" 0 e surface tension of ,ater is stron& enou& to old up some ob7ects t at are denser t an ,ater" 0 is is , y some insects3 like t e ,ater strider3 are able to ,alk on t e surface of ,ater"

'ESULTS T&i#l 1 2 . !/ &#g Nu"1 & o* 0olds

(u11l 'ings
8ubbles s o, surface tension created by soap and ,ater" 9t ,ill take a certain amount of pressure to break t e surface tension and break t e bubble"

5" #ork to&et er in your &roup and s are t e ,ork to sa+e time"
:" Repeat t is e*periment usin& a different soap solution" Compare t e results in your conclusion and describe o, surface tension is illustrated by t is e*periment" 'ESULTS T&i#l 1 2 . 5 !/ &#g 2i#" t & o* (u11l So#p Solution ! So#p Solution (

#ater3 t e li4uid commonly used for cleanin&3 as a property called surface tension" 9n t e body of t e ,ater3 eac molecule is surrounded and attracted by ot er ,ater molecules" )o,e+er3 at t e surface3 t ose molecules are surrounded by ot er ,ater molecules only on t e ,ater side" ( tension is created as t e ,ater molecules at t e surface are pulled into t e body of t e ,ater" 0 is tension causes ,ater to bead up on surfaces (&lass3 fabric;3 , ic slo,s ,ettin& of t e surface and in ibits t e cleanin& process" You can see surface tension at ,ork by placin& a drop of ,ater onto a counter top" 0 e drop ,ill old its s ape and ,ill not spread" 9n t e cleanin& process3 surface tension must be reduced so ,ater can spread and ,et surfaces" C emicals t at are able to do t is effecti+ely are called surface acti+e a&ents3 or surfactants" 0 ey are said to make ,ater <,etter"< 1urfactants perform ot er important functions in cleanin&3 suc as loosenin&3 emulsifyin& (dispersin& in ,ater; and oldin& soil in suspension until it can be rinsed a,ay" '+eryday surfactants include soaps or deter&ents"

)o, does deter&ent affect surface tension= +#t &i#ls > pennies 5 disposable &raduated pipettes soapy solution ,ater -aper to,els for clean%up P&oc $" 5" ?" @" 5" :" du& .ay out ei& t pennies" (dd one drop of ,ater to a coin3 countin& as you &o" Continue to add drops of ,ater until t e coin can old no more" Record your obser+ations" Repeat t e e*periment ? more times usin& re&ular ,ater" Repeat t e e*periment usin& soapy ,ater" Record t e results" )o, does deter&ent affect surface tension= Does it increase or decrease it=

O1s &/#tions4' sults 1. Data 0able : Nu"1 & o* 2&ops %#t & 2 t &g nt

T&i#l 1 2 . !/ &#g

P#p & To5 l !1so&ption

(#c)g&ound #ater is able to tra+el t rou& t e narro, spaces bet,een t e fibers of paper to,els by c#pill#&6 #ction7 T, #tt&#cti/ *o&c 1 t5 n t, 5#t & "ol cul s #nd t, p#p & *i1 &s is g& #t & t,#n t, co, si/ *o&c 1 t5 n t, 5#t & "ol cul s7 0 is causes t e ,ater molecules to be pulled up t e paper to,el a&ainst t e force of &ra+ity" 0 e attraction bet,een unlike molecules is called #d, sion7

'ESULTS P#p & To5 l 1 2 . N#" o* P#p & To5 l Ti" (s c)

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