Deposit Name:: Nabarlek

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Deposit Name:

General Information Deposit Name Country Synonyms Political/Geographical Province Deposit Status Publish Reference Last Update Technical Information Original (Geological) Resource Range Grade Range (% U) Cumulative Production (t U) Produced Grade (% U) Mining Method Commodities Recovered Production Period Technical Remarks Operator Owners and Shares website Geological Information Region Name District Name Deposit Type Deposit Subtype Deposit Class Historical background Regional and Local Geological Setting


Nabarlek Australia Northern Territory Exploration Yes 11/25/2010 12:00:00 AM

5 000 - 10 000 1.00 - 5.00 9208 0


Proterozoic unconformity Basement-hosted

Deposit Shape, Dimensions & Depth Deposit Width: average 7 m Deposit Length: 250 m Deposit Depth Top: sub-surface Deposit Depth Bottom: 85 m Deposit Shape: wedge-shaped Mineralization

Ore Mineralogy: uraninite with minor coffinite and possibly brannerite. Mineralization Description: Orebody was deposited within the Nabarlek Fault breccia, and consisted of a high-grade core (>1% U3O8) in the breccia, with an envelope of low-grade disseminated ore (0.1%). Ore Controls: Mineralisation was in massive fine grained dark green chlorite-sericitehematite rock, breccia and altered schist.

Elemental Association Stratigraphic host rock Age Radiometric host rock age Mineralisation Stratigraphic age Ore Mineralogy: uraninite with minor coffinite and possibly brannerite. Mineralization Description: Orebody was deposited within the Nabarlek Fault breccia, and consisted of a high-grade core (>1% U3O8) in the breccia, with an envelope of low-grade disseminated ore (0.1%). Ore Controls: Mineralisation was in massive fine grained dark green chlorite-sericitehematite rock, breccia and altered schist. Paleoproterozoic

Metallogenic Aspects Mineralisation radiometric age Images

161650Ma (Sm-Nd dating) Deposit close to original unconformity at base of Kombolgie Sandstone.

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