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1. By the time the police arrived, the two men who had commited the murder had fled. 2. He realised that the man, who was a foreigner, completely misunderstood what he had said. 3. It was late when I had heard the news. I had been working and only ust turned off my word processor. !. "hy the football team manager still not decided who the new team memember# $. %fter the match had finished, the fans, delirious with happiness, scrambled on to the pitch. &. "as he e'hausted because he had been training all day( ). "hen the match finally begun, the fans chanted football anthems for over an hour. *. +hree minutes into the match, the home,based team had already scored a goal. -. +here were only then minutes to go, and our team still not succeeded in getting a ball into the net. 1.. I was bored because my husband and his friends had been talking about football al day.


1. +here was a time when /ike used to go to every match his home team played. 2. I was about to book tickets for the game when a friend rand and me he had got a ticket for me. 3. I was watching from an upstairs window when the fight began. ((( !. +hese people must be stopped. It0s time they would be teached a lesson. ( 1cred ca e foarte gresit, dar totusi nu e la trecut nimic din fra2a asta3 $. 4nce Hamilton scored a goal, the whole stadium went mad. &. I am used to my husband to leave the house on 5aturday to watch a football match. ). He sounded unhappy and I wondered if his had lost the match. *. 5mith was running with the ball when 6ones took it from him. -. 7en had already planned to go to the match whin his frined asked him if he wanted to go. 1.. How long ((( was it that our team actually won a match(

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