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Project Name:

Product Name: Capitans Name:

Guard Duty Guard Duty

Andrea Elizondo
Country: Netherlands

Project Team
Write in the number 1 the name of your Capitan. L.N. means list number. Write complete names.

L. N. 7 $ 11

! " #

Name Andrea Elizondo !aniela Ca"azos Adracir Elizondo Nataly &arcia

Main contribution Leader #ecretary !esi%ner Lo%istic 'ana%er


Team Member Contribution

(lease enter the names of your team members in the first ro) )here numbers appear and complete the follo)in% personnel e"aluation. 1* E+cellent, * &ood, !* Acceptable, "* 'ar%inal, #* -nacceptable

Name o$ Team Member

Attended team meetin%s Was punctual Was )illin% to listen to others &a"e the pro.ect a hi%h priority Willin%ly accepted responsibilities /elped to identify and clarify problems Was )illin% to discuss disa%reement and adapt /elped to e"eryone understood the solution Completed assi%ned tas0s on time /elped others )ithout promptin% or pressure

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

$ $ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $

1 1 1

1 1

Team %&aluation
E"aluate your team1s performance by dra)in% a circle on the follo)in% dimensions. Assi%n a score of # )here you belie"e your team1s process is faulty and a score of 1 )here you thin0 your team is functionin% )ell. 213 /i%hly effecti"e 4 53 6neffecti"e7 Collaborati"e -nilateral !ecision 'a0in% $ 8 5 1 'embers help others out 'embers do only o)n )or0 Cooperation 1 $ 8 5 E+plore and sol"e conflicts A"oid or i%nore Ability to handle conflict 9 differences 1 $ 8 5 :alanced )or0load A fe) do most of the )or0 :alance of participation 1 $ 8 5 ;ocus 9 on schedule !i%resses 9 off schedule ;ocus 9 on schedule $ 8 5 1 ;ull, open and spontaneous !on1t 0eep other members informed Communication $ 8 5 1 'embers %i"e others support (eople do o)n thin%, sho) no appreciation #upport $ 8 5 1 'embers identify )ith their team No team spirit <eam spirit 1 $ 8 5 All members in"esti%ate =nly one member in"esti%ates 6n"esti%ation 1 $ 8 5 'embers help )ith the creation 'embers do indi"idual )or0 Creation 1 $ 8 5

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