Edward Lear's Limericks On Himself

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HOW pleasant to know Mr.

Who has written such volumes of stuff. Some think him ill-tempered and queer, But a few find him pleasant enou h. His mind is concrete and fastidious, His nose is remarka!l" !i # His visa e is more or less hideous, His !eard it resem!les a wi . He has ears, and two e"es, and ten fin ers, $Leastwa"s if "ou reckon two thum!s%# He used to !e one of the sin ers, But now he is one of the dum!s. He sits in a !eautiful parlour, With hundreds of !ooks on the wall# He drinks a reat deal of marsala, But never ets tips" at all. He has man" friends, la"men and clerical, Old &oss is the name of his cat# His !od" is perfectl" spherical, He weareth a runci!le hat. When he walks in waterproof white, 'he children run after him so( )allin out, *He+s one out in his ni ht,own, that cra-" old .n lishman, oh(* He weeps !" the side of the ocean, He weeps on the top of the hill# He purchases pancakes and lotion, /nd chocolate shrimps from the mill. He reads, !ut he does not speak, Spanish, He cannot a!ide in er !eer# .re the da"s of his pil rima e vanish, How pleasant to know Mr. Lear(

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