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Name- Sarvesh Singh Roll No-B13112


Friends, Board of Directors and all shareholders of ABG I come to castigate Mr. Birla, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones; so let it be with KM Birla. The noble media Hath told you Birla was ambitious: If it were so, it was a grievous fault, And aptly hath Mr. Birla answered it. Here, under leave of Govt. and the media houses and the rest-For Govt. has no fault in it; So are they all, all honourable institutions-Come I to speak in Mr. Birlas involvement in coal scam. He was our friend, faithful and hardworking: But media and govt. says he was ambitious; And they are such moral institutions. He hath brought ABG such high glories, expanded the business many folds, whose capital gains we all earned: Did this in Mr. Birla seem ambitious? When that the social responsibility and integrity was on call, Mr. Birla gave it a first priority irrespective of business losses: Ambition should be made of pragmatic stuff: Yet media and govt. says he was ambitious; And they are the most sacred institutions. You all did see that in the 2G licenses auction All the major players and corporate houses are under scanner, But Mr. Birlas never resorted to dirty tricks: was this ambition? Yet Govt. says he was ambitious; And, sure, Govt. is such a credible institution. I speak not to disprove what they spoke, But here I am to speak what I do know. You all did praise him once, not without cause: What cause withholds you now, to hear his side of the story? O judgment! Thou art fled to rumours and schadenfreude, And men have lost their reason. Bear with me; My heart and faith lies with Mr. Birla as I know he is a man of indisputable integrity and patriotism, And I will always be on his side till he comes out clean.

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