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Glogster Poster Exemplary Proficient Satisfactory

Poster Content 5 points 4 points 3 points

Used all the words on Used all the words on Used all the words on
the list the list the list
Placed all the words in Placed all the words in Placed at least 10 words
the correct category the correct category in the correct category
All the words are spelled Misspelled less than 3 Misspelled less than 3
correctly words words
Assignment completed Assignment completed Assignment completed
above and beyond Excellent visual Good visual presentation
expectations presentation
Creativity/ 5 points 4 points 3 points
Explored various Explored various Explored various designs
Originality templates and designs templates and designs Used graphics to define
Used unique graphics to Used unique graphics to the concept
define the concept define the concept
There is a consistent
visual theme

Layout and Text 5 points 4 points 3 points

Layout is visually Layout is visually Layout is a little plain but
Elements pleasing and appropriate pleasing and appropriate acceptable
Fonts are easy to read Fonts are easy to read Some of the fonts are
and point size Background and colors somewhat difficult to
appropriately for enhance the readability read
headings and text A few format Background and colors
Background and color inconsistencies enhances the work
enhance the readability A few format
of the text inconsistencies
1 point 0 point
Used some words from Used less than 5 words
the list from the list
Placed at least 6 words Did not place any word
in the correct category in the correct category
Misspelled 3 or more
Assignment incomplete

1 point 0 point
Used graphics to define No thought behind the
the concept design or graphics

1 point 0 point
Layout has some Layout has no structure
structure, a little busy The words are not
Readability is difficult legible due to fonts and
due to different fonts color choices
and colors
Several format

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