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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Introduction Why SCADA Challenges and Applications Research Issues 1.4.1 Flexi le Co!!unication Architecture 1.4.2 "pen And Interopera le #rotocols 1.4.3 S!art re!ote ter!inal units 1.$ 1.' #otential %ene&its "& SCADA Cy er Security &or SCADA 1.'.1 SCADA Security 1.'.2 Co!!odity In&rastructure 1.'.3 (et)or* Architecture 1.'.4 Con&identiality 1.'.$ Authentication

1.'.' +ac* o& Session Structure


SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT 2.1 %loc* Diagra! 2.2 ,ain co!ponents o& pro-ect 2.2.1 S)itch ,ode #o)er Supply 2.2.2 #o)er Relays #hysical Si.e And #in Arrange!ent Coil /oltage Coil Resistance S)itch Ratings 0/oltage and Current1 2.2.2.$ S)itch Contact Arrange!ent 0S#D23 D#D2 etc1 2.2.3 Serial Inter&ace 0RS2321 RS232 Serial Ca le +ayout RS232 Serial Connector #in Assign!ent

PROGRAMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.$ 3.' 3.7 3.8 3.: 3.9 3.1; 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.1$ 4ard)are "5er5ie) #+C6s Input And "utputs 2er!inals 4ori.ontal /ie) o& #+C /ertical /ie) o& #+C Wiring Diagra! o& #+C Connection o& co!puter )ith #+C #rinciples o& ,achine Control D4948$ (et)or* #rinciples o& ,achine Control ,e!ory Features o& ,icrologix 1;;; #+C #rocessing Features o& ,icrologix 1;;; #+C "perating Cycle o& #+C So&t)are Features o& ,icrologix 1;;; #+C Syste! Re<uire!ents &or ,icrologix 1;;; #+C #o)er Distri ution #re5enting =xcessi5e 4eat

4. 5.




INTRODUCTION >sing po)er&ul technologies3 ased on experience o&

<uali&ied personal3 SCADA 0Super5isory Control And Data Ac<uisition1 applications are created as a !ain tool &or per&or!ing !anage!ent3 re<uired y technical reengineering o& an industrial co!pany. In !odern !anu&acturing and industrial processes3 !ining industries3 pu lic and pri5ate utilities3 leisure and security

industries3 control syste!s are o&ten needed to connect e<uip!ent and syste!s separated y large distances. 2hese syste!s are used to send co!!ands3 progra!s and recei5es !onitoring in&or!ation &ro! these re!ote locations. SCADA re&ers to the co! ination o& control syste!s and data ac<uisition. In the early days o& data ac<uisition3 relay logic )as used to control production and plant syste!s. With the ad5ent o& the C#> 0Central #rocess >nit1 and other intelligent electronic de5ices3 !anu&acturers incorporated digital electronics into relay logic e<uip!ent. 2he #+C 0#rogra!!a le +ogic Controller1 is still one o& the !ost )idely used control syste!s in industry. 1.2 WHY SCADA ? SCADA pro5ides se5eral uni<ue &eatures that !a*e it a particularly good choice &or !any control pro le!s. 2he &eatures are as &ollo)s? the co!puter control pri!ary e<uip!ents3 record an store a 5ery large a!ount o& data &ro! process the operator can incorporate real data si!ulations into the syste! the operator is assist y co!puter that reco!!end actions to *eep the syste! sa&ety

!any types o& data can e collected &ro! the R2>s 0Re!ote 2er!inal >nit13 this creates online the i!age o& the syste!.

1.3 CHALLENGES AND APPLICATIONS Super5isory Control And Data Ac<uisition 0SCADA1 syste!s ha5e een )idely used in industry applications. Due to their application speci&ic nature3 !ost SCADA syste!s are hea5ily tailored to their speci&ic applications. For exa!ple3 a re!ote ter!inal unit 0R2>1 that !onitors and controls a production )ell in an oil&ield is only connected )ith a &e) sensors at the )ell it resides. 2he R2> usually collects sensor data at pre9de&ined inter5als 3 and only sends data ac* )hen eing polled y a central data ser5er. A user can only access the data in one o& the t)o )ays? directly connecting to the R2> in the &ield or reading &ro! the data ser5er in the control roo!. A !a-or dra) ac* o& typical SCADA syste!s is their in&lexi le3 static3 and o&ten centrali.ed architecture3 )hich largely li!its their interopera ility )ith other syste!s. For exa!ple3 in a SCADA syste! de5eloped &or oil and gas &ields3 the R2>s are usually places at production )ells and in-ection )ells. 4o)e5er3 there are !any other places3 such as pipeline3 tan*s3 etc.3 that ha5e 5alua le data ut are too expensi5e 0e.g.3 ca le


re<uire!ent1 to deploy !ore R2>s. In such cases3 sensor net)or*s are a per&ect solution to extend the sensing capa ility o& the SCADA syste!. 4o)e5er3 it is di&&icult to integrate sensor net)or*s )ith current SCADA syste!s due to their li!ited interopera ility. We identi&y that ena ling such interopera ility is an i!portant tas* &or &uture SCADA syste!s. Another dra) ac* o& the current SCADA syste!s is their li!ited extensi ility to ne) applications. In the a o5e oil&ield !onitoring exa!ple3 a user in the &ield can only access a sensor@s data y physically going to that )ell and connecting to its R2>. I& the co!pany wants to extend its SCADA system by adding a safety alar! syste!3 it )ill e 5ery di&&icult to add the ne) application.

2he original application only !onitors )ell production at prede&ined inter5als or on de!and. 2he ne) application re<uires

real9ti!e interaction et)een sensors and !o ile users in the &ield. 2he R2>s that detect a sa&ety pro le! need to proacti5ely report the pro le! )ithout )aiting. 2he rigid design o& current R2>s !a*es it hard to extend the SCADA &ro! one application to another. Deploying a SCADA syste! in a large &ield is 5ery expensi5e I& the SCADA syste! is interopera le )ith ne) technologies3 such as sensor net)or*s3 and extensi le &or ne) applications3 it )ill e a le to signi&icantly i!pro5e the producti5ity at a !ini!al cost. 1.4 RESEARCH ISSUES 2his section identi&ies !a-or research issues to ena le interopera ility and extensi ility o& &uture SCADA syste!s. We roughly classi&y the! in three categories? Flexi le co!!unication architecture3 "pen and interopera le protocols3 and S!art re!ote ter!inal units. 1.4.1 F !"#$ ! C%&&'(#)*+#%( A,)-#+!)+',! Current SCADA syste!s are essentially a centrali.ed co!!unication syste!3 )here the data ser5er polls each re!ote

ter!inal unit 0R2>1 to collect data. 2here is no data sharing and &or)arding co!!unicate et)een di&&erent R2>s. >sually these R2>s only )ith the data ser5er. 2his co!!unication

architecture is not &lexi le to interact )ith other syste!s3 such as the e! edded sensor net)or*s and !o ile users in the &ield. Designing a &lexi le co!!unication architecture is one o& the *ey &actors to ena le interopera ility and extensi ility.

1.4.2 O.!( A(/ I(+!,%.!,*$ ! P,%+%)% 0 We suggest that SCADA syste!s should adopt the use o& Internet technologies &or net)or*ing3 rather than proprietary or lin*9le5el approaches. collect and !anipulate di&&erent types o& sensor data. It also includes ho) to disco5er and con&igure sensors. An open protocol should e extensi le to support 5arious types o& sensors. 2hese protocols should also address )hat types o& data should e trans!itted and to )ho!. For exa!ple3 ra) data are only sent to data ser5er &or archi5al. Status su!!aries )ill e sent to !anagers and engineers3 )hile e!ergency sa&ety alar!s should e roadcast to all &ield operators.

1.4.4 S&*,+ ,!&%+! +!,&#(* '(#+0 Re!ote ter!inal units play an i!portant role in the ne) co!!unication architecture )e descri ed a o5e. 2hey ser5e as ridge points to sensor net)or*s as )ell as access points to !o ile users in the &ield. 2hey respond to users <ueries and collect data &ro! speci&ic sensors. 2hese R2>s should e s!art enough to per&or! preli!inary data processing. 2he &irst reason is to 5alidate the data collected &ro! di&&erent sensors. Sensors can gi5e &alse 5alues due to 5arious reasons. It is i!portant to 5alidate the! e&ore use the! to !a*e i!portant decisions. For exa!ple3 in oil&ield !onitoring3 a &alse sensor reading !ay result in a !ista*en decision to shut in a )ell and lose production. 2he R2> is in a good position to 5alidate sensor readings y cross chec*ing &ro! ad-acent sensors. Another reason o& re<uiring s!art R2>s is that they are i!portant in changing the reacti5e operation to proacti5e operation. Current SCADA syste!s !ainly operate in the reacti5e !ode3 )here data are usually sent in response to the data ser5er@s polling.


In a ne) class o& applications3 detection needs to e done in real ti!e3 and e5ents need to e reported i!!ediately3 such as pipeline lea*age3 or 42S detection. Intelligent algorith!s )ill run on these s!art R2>s to process data in real ti!e. Finally3 these R2>s need to e s!art enough to protect data &ro! unauthori.ed access and altering. Access control and security !easures need to e installed to protect the sensing syste! &ro! attac*ers and ensure data integrity. 1.5 POTENTIAL BENEFITS OF SCADA 2he ene&its one can expect &ro! adopting a SCADA syste! &or the control o& experi!ental physics &acilities can su!!ari.ed as &ollo)s? A a rich &unctionality and extensi5e de5elop!ent &acilities. 2he a!ount o& e&&ort in5ested in SCADA product a!ounts to $; to 1;; p9yearsB A the a!ount o& speci&ic de5elop!ent that needs to e per&or!ed y the end9user is li!ited3 especially )ith suita le engineering. A relia ility and ro ustness. 2hese syste!s are used &or !ission critical industrial processes )here relia ility and per&or!ance are para!ount. In addition3 speci&ic de5elop!ent is per&or!ed e


)ithin a )ell9esta lished &ra!e)or* that enhances relia ility and ro ustness. A technical support and !aintenance y the 5endor. For large colla orations3 as using a SCADA syste! &or their controls ensures a co!!on &ra!e)or* not only &or the de5elop!ent o& the speci&ic applications ut also &or operating the detectors. "perators experience the sa!eC loo* and &eelC )hate5er part o& the experi!ent they control. 4o)e5er3 this aspect also depends to a signi&icant extent on proper engineering.

1.1 CYBER SECURITY FOR SCADA Cy er security &or SCADA Syste!s pro5ides a high9le5el o5er5ie) o& this uni<ue technology3 )ith an explanation o& each !ar*et seg!ent. Cy er security &or SCADA Syste!s is suita le &or the non9technical !anage!ent le5el personnel as )ell as I2


personnel )ithout SCADA experience. 2he security issues )ith SCADA syste!s as &ollo)s ? 2raditionally SCADA syste!s )ere designed around relia ility and sa&ety. Security )as not a consideration. 4o)e5er3 security o& these syste!s is increasingly eco!ing an issue due to? increasing reliance on pu lic teleco!!unications net)or*s to lin* pre5iously separate SCADA syste!s is !a*ing the! !ore accessi le to electronic attac*sD increasing use o& pu lished open standards and protocols3 in particular Internet technologies3 expose SCADA syste!s to Internet 5ulnera ilitiesD the interconnection o& SCADA syste!s to corporate net)or*s !ay !a*e the! accessi le to undesira le entitiesD lac* o& !echanis!s in !any SCADA syste!s to pro5ide con&identiality o& co!!unications !eans that intercepted co!!unications !ay e easily readD lac* o& authentication in !any SCADA syste!s !ay result in a syste! user@s identity not eing accurately con&ir!ed. 1.1.1 SCADA S!)',#+2 2he !a-ority o& SCADA syste!s ha5e use&ul li&eti!es ranging &ro! 1$ to 3; years. In !ost instances the underlying protocols )ere designed )ithout !odern security

re<uire!ents in !ind. 2he rapid ad5ance o& technology and the changing syste!s. 2he current push to)ards greater e&&iciency3 consolidated production plat&or!s and larger co!panies )ith s!aller sta&&ing le5els is leading to changes in SCADA syste!s )hich are raising !any <uestions a out security. usiness en5iron!ent is dri5ing change in SCADA net)or* architecture3 introducing ne) 5ulnera ilities to legacy

In su!!ary3 these in5ol5e? an increasing reliance on pu lic teleco!!unications net)or*s to lin* pre5iously separate SCADA syste!sD increasing use o& pu lished open standards and protocols3 in particular Internet technologiesD and the interconnection o& SCADA syste!s to other in&or!ation a5aila le to !anage!ent. 1.1.2 C%&&%/#+2 I(3,*0+,')+',! 2he changes in SCADA syste!s ha5e exposed the! to 5ulnera ilities that !ay not ha5e existed e&ore. For exa!ple3 the


net)or*s to enhance the a!ount3 detail and ti!eliness o&

s)itch &ro! using leased teleco!!unications

lines to pu lic

in&rastructure i.e. #u lic CD,A and ES, net)or*s3 the use o& co!!odity co!puters running co!!odity so&t)are and the change &ro! proprietary to open standards ha5e !eant that 5ulnera ilities ha5e een introduced into SCADA syste!s. 1.1.3 N!+4%,5 A,)-#+!)+',! =&&ecti5e net)or* design )hich pro5ides the appropriate a!ount o& seg!entation et)een the Internet3 the co!pany@s corporate net)or*3 and the SCADA net)or* is critical to ris* !anage!ent in !odern SCADA syste!s. (et)or* architecture )ea*ness can increase the ris* &ro! Internet and other sources o& intrusion. 1.1.4 C%(3#/!(+#* #+2 Eenerally3 there are no !echanis!s in SCADA to pro5ide con&identiality o& co!!unications. I& lo)er le5el protocols do not pro5ide this con&identiality then SCADA transactions are co!!unicated Fin the clearG !eaning that intercepted co!!unications !ay e easily read.


1.1.5 A'+-!(+#)*+#%( ,any SCADA syste!s gi5e little regard to security3 o&ten lac*ing the !e!ory and and)idth &or sophisticated pass)ord or authentication syste!s. As a result there is no !echanis! to deter!ine a syste! user@s identity or )hat that user is authori.ed to access. 2his allo)s &or the in-ection o& &alse re<uests or replies into the SCADA syste!. 1.1.1 L*)5 %3 0!00#%( 0+,')+',! SCADA syste!s o&ten lac* a session structure )hich3 )hen co! ined )ith the lac* o& authentication3 allo) the in-ection o& erroneous or rogue re<uests or replies into the syste! )ithout any prior *no)ledge o& )hat has gone on e&ore.


CHAPTER 2 SYSTEM DEVOLPMENT 2.1 BLOC6 DIAGRAM 2he loc* diagra! o& the SCADA ased po)er control syste! is sho)n?


F#7',! 2.1 B %)5 D#*7,*& O3 +-! SCADA *(/ PLC $*0!/ )%(+,% 020+!&

2.2 M*#( )%&.%(!(+0 %3 .,%8!)+ *,! *0 3% %49 1. S,#S 0H24 /DC1


2. R=+AIS 0 24 /DC3 $;J';4.1 3. Serial Inter&ace 0RS92321 4. #+C 0'J41 $. C",#>2=R 2.2.1 SWITCH MODE POWER SUPPLY (SMPS) 2he picture o& S,#S used is sho)n elo) and their &eatures are as &ollo)s? 4igh e&&iciency3 high relia ility3 AC input range selected y s)itch 1;;K &ull load urn9in test. P,%+!)+#%(09 Short circuitJ "5er loadJ "5er 5oltage Fixed s)itching &re<uency at 2$L4.. D#&!(0#%(09 1::M11;M$;!! SMPS +MWM4

I(.'+0 O'+.'+0

(:24VDC) 115 AC (2.4A) ; 23<AC (4.5A) :24V (4.5A)

F#7',! 2.2.1 P-20#)* S+,')+',! O3 SMPS #oint to note &or selecting a S,#S.


1. All para!eters ("2 specially !entioned are !easured at 23;/AC input3 rated load and 2$MC o& a! ient te!perature. 2. Ripple N noise are !easured at 2;,4. o& and)idth y using a 12Ot)isted pair9)ire ter!inated )ith a ;.1P N 47P parallel capacitor.

3. =ach output can )ithin current range. %ut total output po)er can@t exceed rated load. 4. 2he po)er supply is considered a co!ponent )hich )ill e installed into a &inal e<uip!ent. 2he &inal e<uip!ent !ust e re9 con&ir!ed that it still !eets =,C directi5es. 2.2.2 POWER RELAYS 2he coil o& a relay passes a relati5ely large current3 typically 7a &or a 24/ relay3 ut it can e as !uch as 1;;!A &or relays designed to operate &ro! lo)er 5oltages. ,ost ICs 0chips1 cannot pro5ide this current and a transistor is usually used to a!pli&y the s!all IC current to the larger 5alue re<uired &or the relay coil. Relays are usually S#D2 or D#D2 ut they can ha5e !any !ore sets o& s)itch contacts3 &or exa!ple relays )ith 4 sets o&


changeo5er contacts are readily a5aila le. For &urther in&or!ation a out s)itch contacts and the ter!s used to descri e the!. We are using three relays in our pro-ect . 2he picture o& the relay used is sho)n elo)?

F#7',! 2.2.2 P-20#)* S+,')+',! O3 P%4!, R! *2

2he need to consider se5eral &eatures )hen choosing a relay? P-20#)* S#=! A(/ P#( A,,*(7!&!(+


I& you are choosing a relay &or an existing #C% you )ill need to ensure that its di!ensions and pin arrange!ent are suita le. Iou should &ind this in&or!ation in the supplierQs catalogue. C%# V% +*7! 2he relayQs coil 5oltage rating and resistance !ust suit the circuit po)ering the relay coil. ,any relays ha5e a coil rated &or a 12/ supply ut $/ and 24/ relays are also readily a5aila le. So!e relays operate per&ectly )ell )ith a supply 5oltage )hich is a little lo)er than their rated 5alue. C%# R!0#0+*()! 2he circuit !ust e a le to supply the current re<uired y the relay coil. Iou can use "h!Qs la) to calculate the current? /oltageJResistance

22 S4#+)- R*+#(70 (V% +*7! *(/ C',,!(+) 2he relayQs s)itch contacts !ust e suita le &or the circuit they are to control. Iou )ill need to chec* the 5oltage and current ratings. (ote that the 5oltage rating is usually higher &or AC3 &or exa!ple? C$A at 24/ DC or 12$/ ACC. S4#+)- C%(+*)+ A,,*(7!&!(+ (SPDT; DPDT !+)) ,ost relays are S#D2 or D#D2 )hich are o&ten descri ed as Csingle pole changeo5erC 0S#C"1 or Cdou le pole changeo5erC 0D#C"1. A/>*(+*7!0 +% '0! %3 R! *209 Relays can s)itch AC and DC3 transistors can only s)itch DC. Relays can s)itch high 5oltages3 transistors cannot. Relays are a etter choice &or s)itching large currents 0R $A1. Relays can s)itch !any contacts at once.

2.2.3 SERIAL INTERFACE (RS232) RS232 S!,#* C*$ ! L*2%'+ Al!ost nothing in co!puter inter&acing is !ore con&using than selecting the right RS232 serial ca le. 2hese pages are intended to pro5ide in&or!ation a out the !ost co!!on serial RS232 ca les in nor!al co!puter use3 or in !ore co!!on language C4o) do I connect de5ices and co!puters using RS232C. RS232 S!,#* C%((!)+%, P#( A00#7(&!(+. 2he RS232 connector )as originally de5eloped to use 2$ pins. In this DB25 connector pin out pro5isions )ere !ade &or a secondary serial RS232 co!!unication channel.

In practice3 only one serial co!!unication channel )ith acco!panying handsha*ing is present. "nly 5ery &e) co!puters ha5e een !anu&actured )here oth serial RS232 channels are i!ple!ented. =xa!ples o& this are the Sun Sparc Station 1; and 2; !odels and the Dec Alpha ,ultia. Also on a nu! er o& 2ele it !ode! !odels the secondary channel is present. It can e used to


<uery the !ode! status )hile the !ode! is on9line and usy co!!unicating. "n personal co!puters3 the s!aller DB? 5ersion is !ore co!!only used today. 2he diagra!s sho) the signals co!!on to oth connector types in lac*. 2he de&ined pins only present on the larger connector are sho)n in red. (ote3 that the protecti5e ground is assigned to a pin at the large connector )here the connector outside is used &or that purpose )ith the DB? connector 5ersion. 2he pin out is also sho)n &or the D=C !odi&ied !odular -ac*. 2his type o& connector has een used on syste!s uilt y Digital =<uip!ent CorporationD in the early days one o& the leaders in the !ain&ra!e )orld. Although this serial inter&ace is di&&erential 0the recei5e and trans!it ha5e their o)n &loating ground le5el )hich is not the case )ith regular RS2321 it is possi le to connect RS232 co!pati le de5ices )ith this inter&ace ecause the 5oltage le5els o& the it strea!s are in the sa!e range


F#7',! 2.2.3 (*) RS232 S!,#* C%((!)+%, P#( A00#7(&!(+.

T-! .#)+',! %3 +-! 0!,#* #(+!,3*)! '0!/ #0 0-%4( $! %49

RS 232 Serial Inter&ace 0Fe!ale #art1

RS 232 Serial Inter&ace 0,ale #art1


F#7',! 2.2.3($) P-20#)* S+,')+',! O3 S!,#* I(+!,3*)! RS 232 (F!&* ! *(/ M* ! P*,+)

F#7',! 2.2.3()) C%((!)+#%( D#*7,*& O3 S!,#* I(+!,3*)! RS 232(F!&* ! *(/ M* ! P*,+)

CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) 3. MICROLOGI@ 1<<< PROGRAMMABLE 2he ,icro+ogix 1;;; #rogra!!a le Controllers are designed to electronically control your application. 2he controllers


are a5aila le in either 1' IJ" points 01; inputs and ' outputs1 or 32 IJ" points 02; inputs and 12 outputs1 in $ electrical con&igurations. 2he IJ" options and electrical con&igurations !a*e the! ideal &or al!ost any application. 2he controllers are progra!!ed in &a!iliar ladder logic. 2his sy! olic progra!!ing language is ased on relay ladder )iring diagra!s that si!pli&y the creation and trou leshooting o& your control progra!. 2he co!prehensi5e instruction set includes si!ple it3 ti!er3 and counter instructions as )ell as po)er&ul application instructions such as se<uencers3 high9speed counter3 and shi&t registers. 2o get your application running s!oothly3 you need a <uic* and si!ple )ay to progra! your controller. 2he ,icro+ogix 1;;; #rogra!!a le Controller &a!ily o&&ers you t)o so&t)are pac*ages and one diagnostic hand9held progra!!er to help you acco!plish this tas*. 2he ,icro/ie) "perator Inter&ace ena les you to !onitor and control your application )ith a co! ination o& large !e!ory capacity3 &lexi le &ile addressing3 user9de&ined &unction *eys3 and an easy9to9read display. Contact your local Allen9%radley distri utor &or !ore in&or!ation concerning the ,icro/ie) "perator Inter&ace and accessories



H*,/4*,! O>!,>#!4 2he ,icro+ogix 1;;; progra!!a le controller is a pac*aged

controller containing a po)er supply3 input circuits3 output circuits3 and a processor. 2he controller is a5aila le in 1; IJ"3 1' IJ" and 32 IJ" con&igurations3 as )ell as an analog 5ersion )ith 2; discrete IJ" and $ analog IJ". We are using 1; IJ" Con&iguration?

In such #+C3 Inputs are six and outputs are &our. 2he picture o& the #+C used is sho)n elo)?


F#7',! 3.1 P-20#)* S+,')+',! O3 PLC (M#),% %7#" 1<<<)

3.2 PLCA0 I(.'+ A(/ O'+.'+0 T!,&#(* 0 2)o IJ" point 0i.e.3 1' and 32 IJ"1. Co5ers a readth o& applications. Fi5e electrical con&igurations. "&&ers you a controller that !eets your electrical re<uire!ents? 1. 2. 24/ dc inputs and relay outputs )ith a 12;J24;/ ac po)er 12;/ ac inputs and relay outputs )ith a 12;J24;/ ac po)er supply. supply. 3. 24/ dc inputs and relay outputs )ith a 24/ dc po)er supply. 4. 24/ dc inputs and 24/ dc F=2 and relay outputs )ith a 24/ dc po)er Supply. $. 12;/ ac inputs and triac and relay outputs )ith a 12;J24;/ ac po)er supply.


Fi5e output co!!ons on relay output units and three on ,"SF=2 units 0at least t)o isolated relays per controller1. Allo)s outputs on the sa!e unit to s)itch di&&erent control 5oltages. ,ultiple input co!!ons. Allo)s the controller )ith DC inputs to accept sin* and source type sensors. Co!pact si.e. =na les the ,icro+ogix 1;;; #rogra!!a le Controller to &it in tight spaces. Ad-usta le DC input &ilters. Allo)s you to custo!i.e your input response ti!e to 5arious applications. For a listing o& the ad-usta le DC input &ilter settings. %uilt9in sensor DC po)er supply on AC po)ered units. =li!inates the need &or an external DC po)er supply in !any applications. RS9232 co!!unication channel. Allo)s you to connect the controller directly to your personal co!puter or telephone !ode!. Auto9ranging AC po)er supply. Allo)s you to install the ,icro+ogix 1;;; #rogra!!a le Controller in 5irtually any application )orld)ide. "=, protection. Allo)s you to protect proprietary algorith!s3 pre5ent progra! alterations3 and stop unauthori.ed access to the controller.



2he hard)are &eature o& the controller are?

F#7',! 3.2 H*,/4*,! S+,')+',! O3 PLC



H%,#=%(+* V#!4 O3 PLC

F#7',! 3.3 H%,#=%(+* V#!4 O3 PLC 3.4 V!,+#)* V#!4 O3 PLC


F#7',! 3.4 V!,+#)* V#!4 %3 PLC


W#,#(7 D#*7,*& O3 PLC 2he connection )ith )ires as sho)n in the )iring o& #+C


F#7',! 3.5 W#,#(7 D#*7,*& O3 PLC


C%((!)+#%( %3 C%&.'+!, W#+- PLC


2he connection o& ,icrologix 1;;; #+C )ith #C as point to point connection is sho)n elo)?

F#7',! 3.1 P%#(+ +% P%#(+ C%((!)+#%( O3 PC T% PLC



DHC4D5 N!+4%,5



P,#()#. !0 O3 M*)-#(! C%(+,% 2he controller consists o& a uilt9in po)er supply3 central

processing unit 0C#>13inputs3 )hich you )ire to input de5ices 0such as push uttons3 proxi!ity sensors3 li!it s)itches13 and outputs3 )hich you )ire to output de5ices 0such as !otor starters3 solid9state relays3 and indicator lights1.


With the logic progra! entered into the controller3 placing the controller in the Run !ode initiates an operating cycle. 2he controller@s operating cycle consists o& a series o& operations per&or!ed se<uentially and repeatedly3 unless altered progra! logic. y your


Memory Features Of Micrologix 1000 PLC %uilt9in ==#R", !e!ory. Retains your progra! and all o&

your data i& your controller loses po)er3 eli!inating the need &or

attery or capacitor ac*up. "pti!i.ed 1L user !e!ory capacity. #ro5ides a!ple !e!ory to !eet your application needs including? o5er 73$ )ord application progra!. !ore than 2$; data )ords co!prised o& $12 its3 4; ti!ers3 32 counters3 1' controls3 1;$ integers3 and 33 diagnostic registers co!prehensi5e instruction set. Allo)s you to de5elop a progra! using o5er '$ progra!!ing instructions &ro! the &ollo)ing categories? S it S ti!erJcounter S co!parison S !ath S data handling S progra! &lo) S application speci&ic 0e.g.3 se<uencer3 shi&t register3 and FIF"J+IF"1 S high9speed counter =&&icient instructions. Condenses !ultiple rungs into a single instruction. 3.? P,%)!00#(7 F!*+',!0 %3 M#),% %7#" 1<<< PLC


Superior high9speed counter. "&&ers i!!ediate control o& progra! outputs since the high9speed counter operates independent o& the progra! scan. In addition3 the high9speed counter pro5ides? high count &re<uency o& '.' *4. eight operating !odes including up count3 i9directional3 and <uadrate interrupt latency o& less than 1!s.

Fast throughput. Allo)s &or typical throughput ti!e o& 1.$ !s &or a $;; instruction progra!.T 2hroughput is the ti!e it ta*es &or the controller to sense an input to the ti!e o& controlling a corresponding output. 2o calculate your progra! execution ti!e. 2he "nJ"&& status in the output i!age ta le is sent to the outputs to turn physical de5ices "n and "&&. 2he status o& contacts in the progra! is deter!ined &ro! the IJ" ta les. Instructions are executed. (e) status o& output coils and registers are )ritten to the output i!age ta le.

2he "nJ"&& status o& the input de5ices are read &ro! the inputs and )ritten into the input i!age ta le. Co!!unication )ith de5elop!ent toolsD internal house*eeping3 such as updating the ti!e ase and status &ile3 and per&or!ing rescan 3.1< O.!,*+#(7 C2) ! O3 PLC I(.'+ 0)*( S the ti!e re<uired &or the controller to scan and read all input data typically acco!plished )ithin seconds. P,%7,*& 0)*( S the ti!e re<uired &or the processor to execute the instructions in the progra!. 2he progra! scan ti!e 5aries depending on the instructions used and each instruction@s status during the scan ti!e. O'+.'+ 0)*( S the ti!e re<uired &or the controller to scan and )rite all output data typically acco!plished )ith in seconds. S!,>#)! )%&&'(#)*+#%(0 S the part o& the operating cycle in )hich co!!unication ta*es place )ith other de5ices3 such as an 44# or personal co!puter. H%'0!5!!.#(7 *(/ %>!,-!*/ S ti!e spent on !e!ory !anage!ent and updating ti!ers and internal registers. Iou enter a logic progra! into the controller using a


progra!!ing de5ice. 2he logic progra! is ased on your electrical relay.

F#7',! 3.D O.!,*+#(7 C2) ! O3 PLC

P,%7,*& D!>! %.&!(+ P,%)!00 F%, PLC *0 3% %40 9 H%4 2%' 4*(+ 2%', *'+%&*+!/ .,%)!00 +% %.!,*+! ? Identi&y the hard)are re<uire!ents. ,atch inputs and outputs )ith actions o& the process.


Add these actions to the &unctional speci&ications. D% 2%' (!!/9 Special interrupt routinesU 4igh9speed counting &eaturesU Se<uencing "perationsU FIF" or +IF" stac* operationsU

,a*e sure IJ" addresses !atch correct input and output de5ices. =nter progra! using the progra!!ing de5ice. Re5ie) your &unctional speci&ication and detailed analysis &or !issing or inco!plete in&or!ation. ,onitor and3 i& necessary3 trou leshoot the progra! that you entered. Resulting progra!s should !atch &unctional speci&ications. 3.12 S%3+4*,! F!*+',!0 %3 M#),% %7#" 1<<< %oth the ,icro+ogix 1;;; #rogra!!ing So&t)are 051.; or later1 and A#S so&t)are 05$.1 or later1 o&&er?

#rogra! docu!entation. Allo)s you to add co!!ents to rungs3 instructions3 and addresses. "nline context sensiti5e help. ,a*es progra!!ing and trou leshooting easier to per&or!. Cut3 copy3 and paste editor. Allo)s you to e&&iciently !odi&y your ladder logic progra!. Search and replace. Allo)s <uic* !odi&ication o& ladder logic to acco!!odate progra! changes. RS9232 DF1 &ull duplex protocol. Supports re!ote progra!!ing through a telephone !ode!. #rogra! reports. Allo)s you to create processor con&iguration3 cross re&erence3 progra! listing3 and data ta le reports. Elo al language support. #ro5ides separate progra!!ing pac*ages In =nglish3 French3 Eer!an3 Italian3 and Spanish. Co!!and line entry o& instructions and para!eters. Sa5es ti!e y reducing *eystro*es.



S20+!& R!E'#,!&!(+0 3%, M#),% %7#" 1<<< %oth the ,icro+ogix 1;;; #rogra!!ing So&t)are 051.; or

later1 and A#S 0 5$.1 or later1 can e used )ith? Allen9%radley 247 or 27; ter!inal 38'JSV (=C /=RSAW= Series (ote oo* EA2=WAI 2;;;W!odels 38'DVJ2$3 38'DV333 48'DVJ333 48'DV2J$;3 and 48'DV2J'' personal co!puters 2he co!puter !ust ha5e? '4; L ytes o& RA, 0At least 2 !eg. o& extended !e!ory is re<uired.1 1; , yte &ixed9dis* dri5e 0A#S re<uires 3.$ , ytes o& &ree dis* space.1 D"S 5ersion 3.3 or higher 3.14 P%4!, D#0+,#$'+#%( 2here are so!e points a out po)er distri ution that you should *no)? 2he !aster control relay !ust e a le to inhi it all !achine !otion y re!o5ing po)er to the !achine IJ" de5ices )hen the relay is de9energi.ed.


I& you are using a dc po)er supply3 interrupt the load side rather than the ac line po)er. 2his a5oids the additional delay o& po)er supply turn9o&&. 2he dc po)er supply should e po)ered directly &ro! the &used secondary o& the trans&or!er. #o)er to the dc input and output circuits is connected through a set o& !aster control relay contacts. 3.15 P,!>!(+#(7 E")!00#>! H!*+ For !ost applications3 nor!al con5ecti5e cooling *eeps the controller )ithin. 2he speci&ied operating range. =nsure that the speci&ied operating range is !aintained. #roper spacing o& co!ponents )ithin an enclosure is usually su&&icient &or heat dissipation.

CHAPTER 5 C%() '0#%( 2he trend in auto!ated po)er syste!s is to use SCADA syste!s ased on #+Cs3 ad5anced co!!unication syste!s3 and #C9 ased so&t)are. 2his pro-ect presents the asic *no)ledge needed to choose technology3 design a syste!3 and select a

SCADA syste!. For po)er control SCADAs !ostly used as designing3 integrating3 installing3 and !aintaining auto!ated po)er syste!s as &ollo)s ? Control syste! architecture3 design3 and speci&ication generation CAD9 ased layout and design o& control enclosures and R2>s Fa rication o& control panels in a >+9certi&ied shops. SCADA so&t)are progra!!ing &ro! leading 5endors li*e R"CLW=++. Integration o& industrially9hardened #+C9 ased control syste!s. Field start9up3 cali ration3 and training ser5ices. Support and !aintenance ser5ices &or existing syste!s



1. WA2=RJC"2 I(X=C2I"( W=++ SCADA ,"(I2"RI(E SIS2=, 2. #>,#XACLJSCR=W#>,# SCADA N 2=+=,=2RI. 3. WA2=R DIS#"SA+ 4IE4 2A(L +=/=+ S4>2D"W( SIS2=, 4. /ARIA%+= FR=Y>=(CI DRI/= 0/FD1 SCADA C",,>(ICA2I"( $. S=WAE= 2R=A2,=(2 #+A(2 I(F+"W 2=+=,=2RI '. ,>(ICI#A+ WA2=R SIS2=, 9 2AI+ =(D DA2A =V2=(SI"( N WID= AR=A SCADA. 7. R=,"2= /A+/= C"(2R"+ 8. C=++>+AR 2=+=,=2RI



WA2=R R=S=R/"IR #>,# C"(2R"+


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