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Commodity Derivatives Pitfalls and embedded Derivatives

May 10th, 2012

Table of Contents

of commodities Market participants Various products Specificities vs. other asset classes Market data Specific products Additional procedures (power curves building) Embedded Derivatives

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Type of Commodities
Crude oil Natural Gas Coal Refined products
Heating oil Gasoline Jet / kerosene LPG

Electricity (PJM, ERCOT, NYISO, ISONE, CAISO) Agricultural

Coffee, soy, corn, cotton, cocoa Pork bellies Precious: gold, silver, platinum, palladium Non-precious: iron, copper, aluminum


Weather (HDD, CDD, Precipitation) Freight Emissions (CO2, SOx, NOx)

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Market Participants

Companies (AES, Dynegy, First Wind, PPL, PEPCO, Constellation, El Paso) Oil Companies (Hess, HollyFrontier, Marathon, BP) Airlines (Jet Blue, Spirit Airlines, Hedge funds (RenRe Reinsurance Company (Weather Derivative)

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Various Products

physical (not a derivative but we got some in our samples) Futures (not OTC, just looking up the price) Forwards Swaps Swaptions Options

Vanilla Exotic

Asian Spread

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Commodity derivatives specificities


standardized contracts Multiple underlyings (referencing futures or spot average of platts Gas Daily, IFERC or highway diesel published by the DOE) Futures or forwards representing the expected value of the underlying explain clearly the 2/3 1/3 approximation for oil and The next slides should be several examples

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Market data
Kiodex curves Kiodex Vol surface quoted as a function of delta

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Specific products

rate options Libor GOFO Power swaptions Storage and transportation options (louis dreyfus)

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Additional procedures
New audit guidelines needed to do a lot more around difference resolution and inputs Particularly for commodities, the source of differences is market data For non observable data, we had to review the clients methodology power curve shaping

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Embedded derivatives

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