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Miss Medinas Class Week of 3/18/2014


This week we are focusing on the letter Dd /d/. Students will sort words

by their initial sound /d/, and review sounds /kw/,/l/, /f/, /g/, /p/, /k/, /h/, /n/,/b/, /t/, /s/, /m/. Students will blend individual sounds together to make words, segmenting sounds from words (taking them apart), and building short a words (e.g. cat, mat, bag). Comprehension Strategy of the Week: Summarize a Text Letter of the Week: Dd Sight Word of the Week: for Alphafriend this week: Dd *Song will be on our class website:


Finishing up our unit on subtraction. Students are learning to subtract from 10, reviewing

all subtraction skills, and completing a unit assessment.

If you have any questions about report cards please feel free to contact me. Id love to answer any questions and clarify any misconceptions. Thank you! Im very proud of our class, we really have learned a lot this year! Students are really getting their letter names and sounds down, and are learning to add and subtract fluently, among many other kindergarten skills (I remember how difficult cutting was on the first day, now they are professionals)!

Spring Break starts this Friday, March 21st. I encourage everyone to keep practicing those sight words, letter names, letter sounds, and IXL math over break. It helps students retain their knowledge, so that they dont lose much over the break. There is only one homework packet for the next two weeks. The homework was sent out Tuesday, March 18th and will be due Tuesday, April 1st. Enjoy your break!

The new District 6 report card is set up to show the skills that we have learned so far this year. It will show what we learned both this trimester AND last trimester. If you are confused why your students T2 grade is different than their T1 grade in the same category, keep these two things in mind:

Grades are based on a moving target. (Students need to show growth to keep up with that target as we continue to learn through the year.) The skills tested this trimester may be different. (Check the skills marked this trimester in that category. In some categories they are different skills. That could be the reason for discrepancy between T1 and T2 grades.

3/21-3/31/14 SPRING BREAK (NO SCHOOL) Have a wonderful break! :) 4/2/14 Two Way Immersion Planning and Implementation Committee Meeting 4/8/14 PTO Meeting 6:00pm (School Reading Specialist and Special Education Teachers to Attend)

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please dont hesitate to email or call me! :) Miss Lauren Medina

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