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Teacher Candidate: Sarah Ewald College Supervisor:

Content Area: Geometry Cooperating Teacher:

Grade: 10 Lesson # 2 Topic: Locus Date: 10/17/2013
School District: Levittown School: Division Avenue High School
AIter an interactive SmartNotebook lesson on the Iive Iundamental loci and their relation to the
algebraic concepts oI equations, students will complete a practice worksheet identiIying, graphing, and
writing equations oI locus, with less than three errors.
High School
Course: Geometry
Conceptual Categorv: Geometry
Domain: Experiment with TransIormations in the Plane
CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-CO.A.1 Know precise deIinitions oI angle, circle,
perpendicular line, parallel line, and line segment, based on the undeIined notions oI
point, line, distance along a line, and distance around a circular arc.
Domain: Apply Geometric Concepts in Modeling Situations
CCSS.Math.Content.HSG-MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve design
problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisIy physical constraints or
minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios).
This will be evident when students complete a practice worksheet identiIying, graphing, and
writing equations oI locus, with less than three errors.

Students will participate in a hands on discovery activity to begin their lesson on locus. With this
discovery activity, students will become human loci, Iorming paths around a center point/line/two points
Smart Board, SmartNotebook presentation, White Board, copies oI graphic organizer, copies oI
practice worksheet, copies oI exit ticket.
Guided discovery, direct instruction, cooperative learning, group discussion, checking Ior understanding,
and teacher demonstration.
The students with ADHD will be given speciIic problems to concentrate on, to help keep them
on task.
The student who has a hearing impairment will be placed in close proximity to the board. In
addition, visual images will be incorporated throughout the lesson. The student may also access
videos online regarding ways to Iind the locus oI points Irom a point, line, two points etc.
Locus From a Point:
Locus From Two Fixed Points.
Locus From Two Lines:
Tier 1: Students will complete a practice worksheet identiIying, graphing, and writing equations oI locus,
with the help oI a Iact chart (Words, definitions, visuals) with less than three errors.
Tier 2: Students will complete a practice worksheet identiIying, graphing, and writing equations oI locus,
with less than three errors.
Tier 3: Students will complete a practice worksheet identiIying, graphing, and writing equations oI
locus, with less than three errors, and will write a short story that involves two or more principles oI
AIter an introduction to the objective oI the day`s lesson, students will take notes and complete
a graphic organizer Irom the inIormation in the SmartNotebook presentation on the Iive
Iundamental loci. (Do we see the connection between our discoverv lesson and the notes we
are taking now?)
Students will watch and participate in the teacher demonstration on how to complete these
problems surrounding the Iive Iundamental loci. (What would I see if I drew a picture of this
scenario? How do we graph the locus of points equidistant from a circle? How did vou do
Students will participate in kinesthetic/logical procedure by coming up to the SmartBoard, and
utilizing the virtual compass tool to sketch and graph a circle on an x-y axis, using techniques
learned in class. (We know the center and radius of this circle, how can we graph it using
the virtual compass?)
Students will collectively complete the Smartboard matching chart, by matching each Given with
the appropriate loci. This study tool will help the students review the Iive concepts oI locus. As
students correctly match the givens with the appropriate loci, they shall Iill out the 'Locus
Review worksheet, which will be a comprehensive source oI inIormation, a one page sheet
with the givens, locus, and sketches. (What is the locus of points from a given point? Two
given points? A line?)
Students will be polled on their answers to the Iirst three multiple choice questions Irom the
SmartNotebook presentation. (Raise vour hand if vou got A? B? C? D?)
Students will use their graphic organizer as a way to help them approach the practice
worksheet. Students will be told to identiIy the 'Given Irom each problem. Once identiIied,
they will use their graphic organizer to review, and Iind how to solve the related problems on the
Students will complete one problem Irom the worksheet independently. They will then present
their answer to the class.
Students will break into groups and work together to complete the practice ditto, solving Ior
locus. Each group will be responsible Ior presenting one problem to the entire class. They will
be given a large piece oI poster paper; each student will be given a job according to
cooperative learning strategies. (ex. note taker, time keeper, supplier, taskmaster.) A student
will be randomly selected to present the group`s Iinding to the class. Posters will then be hung
around the classroom as a way to reinIorce the unit oI locus, throughout the school year. (How
can we use our graphic organi:ers to help with these problems?)
Students will review what the day`s lesson was about and what we learned. They will see the
connections made between Geometry and Algebra, Ior example, writing the equation oI a line
and a circle. (What have we learned todav? Are there anv last minute questions?)
Students will complete an exit ticket on identiIying, graphing and writing the equation oI a locus.
The exit ticket will be handed in to the teacher to be assessed.
FOCUS: Student will learn new skills and concepts while they are solving challenging locus problems.
Students will answer teacher`s questions throughout the lesson.
Students will complete a matching chart providing the deIinition oI each term and an example.
This study tool will help the students review the Iive concepts oI locus
Students will be polled on their answers to the Iirst three multiple choice questions Irom the
SmartNotebook presentation.
Students will successIully complete practice problems assigned in class.
Students will complete an exit ticket on identiIying, graphing and writing the equation oI a locus.
The exit ticket will be handed in to the teacher to be assessed.
Students will complete homework problems on the Iundamental loci.
Following the lesson on the Iive Iundamental loci, each student will complete a problem Irom the
worksheet independently. They will then present their answer to the class.
Students will complete homework questions regarding the day`s topic. Teacher will check,
provide answers, and go over the questions the Iollowing day.
Direct Teacher Intervention:
The student, under direct intervention with the teacher, will review their graphic organizer to
ensure that all the necessary inIormation is included.
The student may also access videos online regarding ways to Iind the locus oI points Irom a
point, line, two points etc.
Locus From a Point:
Locus From Two Fixed Points.
Locus From Two Lines:
Academic Enrichment:
The student will complete a 'Murder Mystery activity sheet, to challenge the student and
Iurther their understanding on the Iundamentals oI loci.
Geometrv. common core. (14 ed.). Glencoe Publishing Co.
LeII, L. S. (2012). Lets review. Geometrv. (1st ed.). Hauppauge, New York: Barron's Educational
Mathematics. (2013). Retrieved Irom
MPS limited. (Designer). (2010, September 02). Loci: Fundamentals oI locus I |Web Graphic|.
Retrieved Irom
Roberts, D. (2012). What is a locus?. Retrieved Irom
Watson, S. (2013). Jmap. Retrieved Irom

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