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DanSteel A/S

Material Certification to European standard EN 10204:2004 Metallic Products Types of inspection documents

DanSteel A/S, Havnevej 33 D$-3300 %re&er'()v*r(

Phone: +(45) 47 77 03 33 %a+: +(45) 47 7# 40 03

CVR-nr : !0 0" #" ## ,,, &an)teel &(

DanSteel A/S
Material Certification to European standard EN 10204:2004
Metallic Products Types of inspection documents
The Standard EN 10204:1991 has been superseded by the issue of EN 10204:2004. This notice is intended to highlight the differences in the require ents of these standards and e!plain the ne" require ents. The ain changes are: 1. 2. '. 4. *. Ne" definitions: # anufacturer$% #inter ediary$% #product specification$. &eduction of the nu ber of inspection docu ents. Type 2.' of the pre(ious edition has been deleted. Type '.1 replaces type '.1.) of the pre(ious edition. Type '.2 replaces types '.1.+% '.1., and the inspection report '.2 of the pre(ious edition.

-efinition # anufacturer$ .rgani/ation that anufactures the respecti(e products according to the require ents of the order and to the properties specified in the referenced product specification. -efinition #inter ediary$ .rgani/ation "hich is supplied "ith products by the anufacturers and "hich then in turn supplies the "ithout further processing or after processing "ithout changing the properties specified in the purchase order and referenced product specification. -efinition #product specification$ ,o plete detailed technical require ents rele(ant for the order% stated in "ritten for referenced regulations% standards and other specifications. e.g.

The designations of inspection certificate '.1.+% '.1.)% '.1., and '.2 in EN 10204:1991 ha(e been replaced by t"o designations only in EN 10204:2004% '.1 and '.2. ,ertificates ust be based on inspections carried out before deli(ery% the sa e require ent as in EN 10204:1991

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DanSteel A/S
5nspection certificate '.1 according to EN 10204:2004 + '.1 certificate is issued by the anufacturer and is (alidated by the anufacturer6s authorised inspection representati(e. 5t is equi(alent to the #old$ '.1.) certificate. The certificate ust declare that the products are in co pliance "ith the order require ents and supply test results.

5nspection certificate '.2 according to EN 10204:2004 + '.2 certificate is prepared by both the anufacturer6s authorised inspection representati(e and either the purchaser6s authorised inspection representati(e or an inspector designated by official regulations. The certificate ust declare that the products are in co pliance "ith the order require ents and supply test results. This category is intended to replace the pre(ious designations of '.1.+% '.1., and '.2 certificates. 5nspections to the require ents of the EN 10204:1991 standard ay continue "here these are specified by the client% and the '.1., and '.2 certificate types issued in accordance "ith the require ents of the standard.

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DanSteel A/S
Inspection documents EN 10204:2004
EN 10204 &eference Type 2.1 Type 2.2 -esignation of the docu ent type English (ersion 7er an (ersion 8rench (ersion -eclaration of 9er:sbeschei1 +ttestation de co pliance "ith nigung confor it; < la the order co ande Test report 9er:s/eugnis &ele(; de contr=le -ocu ent -ocu ent content (alidated by State ent of The co pliance anufacturer "ith the order State ent of The co pliance anufacturer "ith the order% "ith indication of results of non1 specific inspection State ent of The co pliance anufacturer6s "ith the order% authori/ed "ith inspection indication of representati(e results of independent of specific the inspection anufacturing depart ent State ent of The co pliance anufacturer6s "ith the order% authori/ed "ith inspection indication of representati(e results of independent of specific the inspection anufacturing depart ent and either the purchaser6s authori/ed inspection representati(e or the inspector designated by the official regulations

Type '.1

5nspection certificate '.1

+bnah epr>f1 /eugnis '.1

,ertificat de r;ception '.1

Type '.2

5nspection certificate '.2

+bnah epr>f1 /eugnis '.2

,ertificat de r;ception '.2

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