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You dont want to do these things

If you want a beautiful relationship, what are some of the important things you dont want to do? After 45 years of counseling, these are my suggestions: 1. ont lie! "#ery time you lie, you damage your credibility. And the more you lie, the more difficult it becomes to trust you. $nce you lied, so much that you cannot be trusted anymore, then the game of lo#e is o#er.

%. A#oid putting down the one you lo#e because when you put down this special person you insist you lo#e, you become less belie#able. &ut downs are li'e remo#ing bric's from the foundation of the house. (emo#e enough of them and the house collapses. ). *tay away from the fights that ne#er resol#e anything. +ouples whose lo#e is dying do this all the time. *ame fights, same issues, no resolutions. 4. Accept that your lo#e will ne#er be perfect. ,our partner will surely be at least as imperfect as you are. &erfection is not of this world, imperfection is the norm. -o matter whom you lo#e, this truth will always stand. 5. .ry to a#oid being a control frea'. /en mostly tend to get into the control game, but some women also fall into the same trap. 0now that the more of a controller you are, the more you undermine your lo#e. -obody li'es to be treated li'e a sla#e. ,our sla#e will either rebel against you one day, or hate you more by the day if forced to remain in the relationship. .hen your lo#e will be an empty shell. It might loo' good to outsiders, but it is rotting on the inside. 1. o e#erything to promote personal growth. An impro#ed growing person brings new e2citement to the relationship. .he more you promote personal growth in your partner, the more you will be appreciated.

3. Appreciate your partner and e2press your appreciation openly and often. Appreciation generates appreciation from your partner and soon creates mutual admiration. 4. -e#er stop courting. If what you did during courtship was effecti#e then, it should still wor' for you, for your partner. 5. *tay away from regrets. 6ocus on whats right about your lo#e. .here will always be negati#es, but a focus on the positi#es reduces the power of the negati#es. 17. 8astly and most importantly, dont e#er stop saying, 9I lo#e you: because when you do, it will be interpreted as if you truly ha#e stopped lo#ing.

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