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Assignment II

R.M Martin and Hong Kong: Reality vs. Representation

Perhaps one of the most illuminating reports in the immediate aftermath of the Opium War is Colonial treasurer R.M Martins appeal on why Hong Kong was thoroughly unsuited to be part of the British Empire. The report, a succulent yet unabashedly critical analysis of Britains most recent acquisition in China, spans 32 pages and deals with various reasons ranging from its rotten surface to its unsuitability as a trade port to its vagabond inhabitants. However, is there a gulf here between the Hong Kong that Martin wishes to portray and the reality of the situation? One is inclined to think so. After all, reality, especially during the glory days of the Empire, differed significantly from the popular and elitist perception of the situation. Indeed, one could easily draw parallels with Conrads contrast between the glorious image and the dark reality of colonialism in Heart of Darkness, albeit in the opposite way. Though Martin attempts to portray Hong Kong as a bad investment, and points out to other possibilities and alternatives than financing a barren rock as he puts it, he tends to ignore the realities of international politics at that time. Hong Kong was more than a mere trading post at that time; it was a trophy, a vindication of British power and values over the sick man of Asia. His suggestions that the British could easily commence trade through the open ports of Canton and Shanghai instead of pouring money into Hong Kong reveals a blatant ignorance or innocence about the importance of sovereign home territory near foreign nations to facilitate trade. His suggestion that the British found an English town in Zhoushan begs the question why the Chinese would hand over one of their most important ports to a foreign nation. In all, one can clearly see that Martins representation of this is more of an accountant assessing financial solvency than someone who understands the realities of Victorian politics.

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