Part 1 Macbeth

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Part 1- Reading and Interacting with Macbeth English Language Arts Cycle 2, Level 3 Literary Genres and Macbeth

Introductory Class (First class in a series of classes dedicated to reading and understanding Macbeth- the general outline of this lesson will apply to the subsequent lessons in the series, with some room for modifications to keep everything interesting.) Objectives: Students will know: the components of different genres and how to identify them, with a particular focus on the genre of tragedy

Students will understand: how the genre of tragedy fits with Macbeth that themes are universal

Students will be expected to: read the play reflect on the general themes of Macbeth and keep a journal in which they share these reflections and make connections

Materials: student journals materials on genres for learning stations individual copies of the play in full text individual copies of the play in graphic novel format

Learning Intentions Schedule: Warm-up: 5 minutes Journal entry on what is a genre and what is my favourite genre Think-pair-share technique This warm up activity is designed so that all students will have the opportunity to share their thoughts. The question will appeal to intrapersonal learners who enjoy

reflecting on their own thoughts and feelings. It will also appeal to verbal/linguistic learners and intrapersonal learners who enjoy sharing and learning about others views. Development: Learning Stations on different genres (20 minutes) o Each station will contain a short text explaining the different components of the genre attributed to that station o Students will discuss how these components apply and will fill out their graphic organizer of literary genres. This activity will appeal to logical/mathematical learners who will appreciate the use of a graphic organizer as a way to make sense of the acquired knowledge. It will also appeal to interpersonal learners because the learning is occurring in a group and kinesthetic learners will benefit from moving station to station instead of staying in one place. Introduction to Tragedy and Macbeth (15 minutes) o Short lecture on the genre of tragedy as a drama about human suffering o Class discussion on: Why people enjoy tragedy? Modern examples of literary tragedies? What purpose could this genre serve? What might we expect to see in Macbeth having just learnt what defines a tragedy? This portion of the lesson will touch on questions that would appeal to an existential learner since it deals with the idea that audiences passively watching a drama about human suffering. What does that say about our understanding and appreciation of life? Macbeth (35 minutes) o Assign students a full text play and a graphic novel o Explain that the text will be read in class and that they will simultaneously be reading their graphic novel at home. This will allow them to engage with the more difficult Shakespearean text, and still fully comprehend the story by following the graphic version. Furthermore, reading the two versions will offer an opportunity to compare and contrast, be seeing what made it into the graphic version and what did not o Introduce the weekly journal assignment, where students must reflect on the readings that were done that week and make connections to themes or ideas that stood out. These connections can be tied to their personal life, other literature they have read, films/show they have seen or events in the world.

o Outline the variety of in class reading methods that will be explored throughout the reading of the play. These include individual reading periods, small group reading periods, teacher reading periods, whole class reading periods and whole class acting periods. o Use the whole class acting period method to read Act 1 scene 1-3. Have students volunteer to be a character and read/mildly perform the play in front of the class The learning strategies outlined in this section will be used in the lessons to come. Using both a graphic version and a full text version may seem a bit strange, but it is an experiment in seeing if knowledge and understanding are more complete this way. It is also an effective way to differentiate based on student readiness without singling out students. The student who may have more difficulties reading will not feel excluded or dumb because they are the one using the graphic version and more gifted students will equally feel included by having both options and by being able to analyse a text from two mediums. Visual learners may also benefit from a graphic novel to supplement the full text one. The variety of reading methods used in this class should make it easy to use the strategy of flexible grouping and the dynamics that each method will have will create different levels of learning. Furthermore, each method will contribute to a different intelligence either kinesthetic through acting, verbal/linguistic, visual or interpersonal. Conclusion: Remind students about homework (reading graphic novel and writing journal entry) Exit Card Question o What are the main components of a tragedy as a genre o Name 3 other types of genres and one key word to remember what that genre constitutes Use the exit card to check for understanding and to create tiered groups next class if students need additional help understanding the concept of genres

Formative Assessment: Informal assessment of understanding and participation during activities and discussion, use of exit cards. The journal will be read on a weekly basis and evaluated holistically for effort and depth of thought, not for the quality of the writing.

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