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Part 3- Culminating Assessment TaskEnglish Language Arts Cycle 2, Level 3 Macbeth Trailer Final Project- Introductory Class Prior

knowledge: students should have already finished reading Macbeth, understand what a genre is, know how to storyboard, and be familiar with various film techniques. During the most recent lesson, students will have learned how to write a critique of a film. Objectives: Students will know: - the structure and elements of a movie trailer Students will understand: - that there are many hidden elements in making a movie trailer, such as not giving away too much of a plot, selecting appropriate music, etc. Students will be expected to: - create a movie trailer for a film loosely based on Macbeth incorporating all the things in the unit they have learned thus far Materials/Resources: Projector, computer with internet to show video, blackboard/whiteboard to write on. Learning Intentions Schedule: Hook - 2-3 minutes Students will watch the trailer for Baz Luhrmanns film adaptation of Romeo + Juliet: Although students will be doing their trailer on Macbeth, this is a great example of a popular film based on a well-known Shakespearean story that they likely already know the basic plot for, and can serve as an idea of how they might want their version of the film to be.

Write - 5-10 minutes On their own, students will write/makes notes on what they think the plot of the movie is based strictly on the trailer in as much detail as possible, and include the time period, setting, genre, etc. and what they thought of it. If needed, the trailer may be replayed.

Conference - 5 minutes In pairs, students can briefly compare their notes and highlight or discuss which sections they agreed on. This also provides students with the opportunity who missed some things to reflect a little further, and add more details to their findings so that they can better participate in the class discussion. These findings will be shared with the class.

Discuss - 15-20 minutes As a class, we will critique and analyze the trailer to reinforce the prior lesson on critiquing while considering the structure and elements of a movie trailer. First, the class will discuss to what extent the plot of the movie was revealed in the trailer, and how this was done. Students should notice that a trailer is not just random scenes from the film cut and pasted together, a voiceover and/or supplementary words and phrases may need to be inserted in order for it to make sense to the audience. The class will also discuss what was left out and why. For example, we all know that in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo dies just moments before Juliet wakes up. Why is this left out of the trailer? We will also discuss what elements of the trailer helped us determine the type of film, in this case a blockbuster action/drama/romance. The trailer can be replayed to show how music is used to set the mood as well, changing from soft and romantic to intense. Key points should be written on the board for students to make note of, and remember to consider when setting up their own trailers.

Assessment Activity - Remaining time/next day Students will get together in groups of 5-6 and create a movie trailer for a film based on the classic Shakespeare tragedy, Macbeth. Teachers should ensure that students of varying strengths and ability are placed in each group, i.e. not all the logical/mathematical thinkers should be in the same group, and not all the highest-scoring students should be in the same group. The trailer should be a standard length (90 -150 seconds long), classroom appropriate (no vulgar language, sexual content, etc.), and demonstrate a film that follows the major themes and basic storyline of Macbeth. Students are encouraged to put their own spin on the film by changing the time period, setting, genre, etc. much like what they saw in the trailer for Romeo and Juliet.

As part of the assignment, groups must submit a storyboard, script, poster, and a summary or review of their film as well as the trailer itself. Students may decide on titles themselves, but some suggestions include film critic/reviewer, director, producer, artistic and/or musical director, actor, script writer. Students may decide to divide smaller tasks amongst their group members as well (e.g. selecting music, cameos in the trailer, set design, etc.). However, they should note that the work should be split up relatively evenly since they must have a credits screen or page to go with their trailer detailing who did what. This project allows for students with various types of intelligences to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of a topic in a way that they are comfortable with. Students who enjoy theatre can act out the scenes, visually/artistically oriented students can develop the poster, musically-inclined students can find the appropriate background music and sounds, writers can submit the critique, and those who enjoy working with technology can edit and add effects to the trailer.

As a formative assessment to ensure that students understand how a trailer should be set up and what sorts of tasks are involved, groups must decide on who will do what and come up with a concept map of their vision for the trailer, which they will discuss privately with the teacher. This will ensure that all groups are on the right track, and have the necessary tools to develop a coherent and effective movie trailer.

* Students will be given ample class time to work on this project, but will also be expected to do some work outside of class. In order to fully benefit from the project, the class after the due date will be a viewing class, where each trailer will be projected and students will have the opportunity to appreciate the variety of trailers created and will also complete a peer evaluation using a rubric that follows the criteria established by the teacher and the students via a class discussion. This discussion and the creation of the rubric will take place during the class following the first class that introduced the final trailer project.

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