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MARCH 2014


If I sent out an invite to come to an anointing service where I will anoint everyone with oil to be empowered for Gods service, I am absolutely sure it will be well attended. Oil was used to consecrate the priests for service in the temple as well as every furniture piece (Exodus 40:9). It was also used to anoint for leadership. Remember Samuel anointed David as king. Today we use the oil very liberally and at times without understanding. Oil is only symbolic of His anointing, or His presence. When Jesus arrived on the scene He understood that His Father has called Him and anointed him for what lies ahead. He said that the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor That means His authority and ability to do what He did, came from the Holy Spirit working in and through His life, not from oil poured out on Him! Is the anointing of your car or your furniture valid? The only time furniture items were anointed was because it was used in the temple. The truth is that God anoints people! He has come to empower you for service. But the anointing that you received from Him abides in you 1John 2:27 Yes, thats right! You are anointed! He is inside of you. You have access to all wisdom, and knowledge for everyday living. He has empowered you to be a minister of reconciliation, to testify of His goodness.

And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us 2 Corinthians 1:21
But you have been anointed by the Holy One, and you all have knowledge 1 John 2:20

GOD ANOINTS! WE ONLY APPOINT THE ALREADY ANOINTED! Now you can use oil if you want to, but the power is NOT in the oil but in the Holy Spirit! You dont have to wait for a service where oil is poured out on you for you to be approved. The parable of the wise and foolish virgins is so relevant. They were all in the same place (or Church), already in a relationship with Him. But now as they wait for Him to come again, the foolish virgins realize that their oil has run dry and now try to sponge off those who have oil. There are some in the Church who live off the anointing on other believers! YOU HAVE BEEN ANOINTED! Continue to tap into what He has for you. Stay in fellowship, in prayer, and hear His word, and you will never run dry. Pastor Tony Sands

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