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ADAMSON UNIVERSITY 900 Sn Marcelino St., Ermita, Manila College of Engineering Electronic an! Comm"nication Engineering De#artment $n!

SEM SY $0%& ' $0%(

INSTRUMENTATION Section:________________ Name:____________________________ Signature:_________________________

February 29, 2014


INSTRUCTION: No one is allowed to go out the room during exam hours. All electronic gadgets except calculator must be ept inside !our bag during exam hours. I" !ou ha#e an! exam $ related concern% &ust call the attention o" the proctor b! raising !our hand. A "inal grade o" '.( will be gi#en to a student cheating in an! "orm. ). A gal#anometer has a coil with a resistance o" *+ ,. A current o" )-( .A causes "ull$scale de"lection. I" the gal#anometer is to be used to construct an ammeter that de"lects "ull scale "or )( A% what shunt resistor is re/uired0 *. A gal#anometer with a coil resistance o" +( , de"lects "ull scale "or a current o" * mA. 1hat series resistance should be used with this gal#anometer in order to construct a #oltmeter that de"lects "ull scale "or '( 20 3. A series ohmmeter uses a meter with 4S5 6 7' .A and Rm 6 )(( ohms. The meter shunt resistance is e/ual to *'( ohms and the batter! #oltage is 8b 6 '.*' 2. 5etermine R). +. A series ohmmeter uses a meter with 4S5 6 7' .A and Rm 6 )(( ohms. The meter shunt resistance is e/ual to *'( ohms and the batter! #oltage is 8b 6 '.*' 2. 5etermine the resistance measured at )((9 o" 4S5. '. A :;;C instrument with Rm 6 ).3 , and 4S5 6 '(( .A is used in a multirange dc #oltmeter. The series connected multiplier resistors are R) 6 3-.7 ,% R* 6 +( ,% and R3 6 +( ,. 5etermine the #oltmeter sensiti#it!. <. I" the sensiti#it! o" a #oltmeter is )( ,=2% what is the "ull$scale$de"lection current0 7. A gal#anometer has a current sensiti#it! o" )( >A=mm and a critical damping resistance o" )( ,. 1hat is the #oltage sensiti#it!0 -. The pea current through an AC ammeter using hal"$wa#e recti"ication is )(( >A. 5etermine the "ull$scale$ de"lection current. ?. A )* 2 source supplies *' A to a load. 1hat is the load current that would be measured when using an ammeter with a resistance o" (.)* ,0 )(. A :;;C instrument with Rm 6 ).3 , and 4S5 6 '(( >A is used in a multirange 5C #oltmeter. The series$ connected multiplier resistors are 3-.7 ,% +( ,% and +( ,. 1hat is the minimum #oltage range0 )). Two resistors% R) 6 +7 , and R* 6 -* ,% are connected in series across a )' 2 suppl!. A #oltmeter on a )( 2 range is connected to measure the #oltage across R*. The #oltmeter sensiti#it! is )( ,=2. 1hat is the #oltmeter reading across R*0 )*. An inductance comparison bridge has @) 6 )(( .A and R+ 6 )( ,. 1hen measuring an un nown inductance% null is detected with R) 6 37.) , and R3 6 *7.?3 ,. The suppl! "re/uenc! is ).' ;AB. Calculate the measured inductance% resisti#e component Rx and the /ualit! "actor C o" the inductor

)3. A series$capacitance bridge has a (.(<- .4 capacitance "or C*% and R3 6 )( ,. Dalance is achie#ed with a )(( AB suppl! "re/uenc! when R* 6 )*' , and R+ 6 )+.7 ,. Calculate the resisti#e component o" the measured capacitor% capaciti#e component Cx and e/ui#alent parallel capacitor "or Cx

)+. 4or the phase$shi"t oscillator% determine the oscillation "re/uenc!% attenuation o" the "eedbac networ and "eedbac resistor R".
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OUT E + 2E 3

C) )(u4 R* (.'

C* 'u4 R3 )

C3 )(u4

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