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Mr Thomas Hanley

16 Ballyroan Park Templeogue


14 November 2011

Our Ref: RJS



Dear Mr Hanley

Thank you for your letter of 26 October 2011. I apologise for my delayin replying. It has
been a busy few weeks.

I am slightly surprised by your request. I made the position clear in the penultimate paragraph of my previous letter. The witness statement, letter before action and Counsel's opinion were the product of substantial further work, carried out for the four continuing members of the group and not for you or those for whom you speak.
My e-mailto Mr Franks does not change that position. Then, early in January, I expected that these documents would be completed virtually immediately on the basis of the work carried out the previous year. In the-evenvthat did not happen and, as I have previously

explained at length, theywere oniy^mpletejjvejy_rejiejitly. In those circumstances, I do

not see how you could be entitled to see them or have copies.



I notice that you have not addressed the issue of my fees - the figure of 38,542.80 is "on the clock" for the period during which you and those for whom youspeak were, with

others, clients in~fespecT'6T this matter. Obviously, I would like co rentier a'biii in this amount but I am conscious that you regard the payments on account which were made at the outset as alreadybeing too high for the work carried out. Do you have a proposaljor tying up all of these matters on behalf of yourselfand the group which you would like me
to consider?

I look forward to hearing from you.

"V ours sincerely \


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- J J

Richard Slade and Company Solicitors 9 Gray's Inn Square London WCiR 5JD 'i. Telephone: t^4 2071 600 900 Facsimile:+44 20 7806S267 Website: DX 141 London/SpANCERY Lake
Principal: Richard Slade (solicitor) Consultant: Nigel Young (solicitor) RlCC'LATED irTHE SOLICITORS RtGCLAIIO.V Aitikikity SRA N'o. ^9)707

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