Double Chocolate Bread

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Double Chocolate Banana Bread

3 medium-to-large very ripe bananas 1/2 cup (115 grams) butter, melted 3/4 cup (145 grams) brown sugar (I use dar !ere" eit!er lig!t or dar wor ) 1 large egg 1 teaspoon pure vanilla e#tract 1 teaspoon ba ing soda 1/4 teaspoon table salt 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional" I s ip it) 1 cup (125 grams) all-purpose $lour 1/2 cup %utc!-process cocoa powder 1 cup (about & ounces or 1'( grams) semisweet or bittersweet c!ocolate c!un s or c!ips

)eat your oven to 35(*+, -utter a ./5-inc! loa$ pan, or spray it wit! a nonstic ba ing spray,

0as! bananas in t!e bottom o$ a large bowl, (1ou2ll !ave a little over 1 cup mas!ed banana total,) 3!is in melted butter, t!en brown sugar, egg, and vanilla, 4lace ba ing soda, salt, cinnamon (i$ using), $lour and cocoa powder in a si$ter or $ine-mes! strainer and si$t over wet ingredients, (0y cocoa is almost always lumpy, so t!is is essential $or me,) 5tir dry and wet ingredients wit! a spoon until 6ust combined, 5tir in c!ocolate c!un s or c!ips,

4our into prepared pan and ba e 55 to &5 minutes, until a tester or toot!pic inserted

into t!e center o$ t!e ca e comes out batter-$ree, (7 melted c!ocolate c!ip smear is e#pected, !owever,) 8ool in pan $or 1( to 15 minutes, t!en run a ni$e around t!e edge and invert it out onto a cooling rac , 5erve warm or at room temperature,

9!e banana bread will eep $or up to 4 days at room temperature, I eep mine wrapped in $oil, It goes wit!out saying t!at it !as never actually lasted t!at long,

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