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Environmental Issues In India

Presented By Dhanraj Bonde Sagar Gaud Mamta Gaonkar

Air pollution, water pollution, garbage, and pollution of the natural environment are all challenges for India According to data collection and environment assessment studies of World Bank experts, between 1995 through !1!, India has made one of the fastest progress in the world, in addressing its environmental issues and improving its environmental "ualit#

$ollution is ever#where%%%%%

It is estimated that the countr#&s population will increase to about 1% ' billion b# the #ear !1'% $opulation growth and economic development are contributing to man# serious environmental calamities in India% (hese include heav# pressure on land land degradation, forests , habitat destruction and loss of biodiversit#

Water $ollution)%

Water $ollution)
Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies *e%g% lakes, rivers,sea, and groundwater+% Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged directl# or indirectl# into water bodies without ade"uate treatment to remove harmful compounds%

Water $ollution)
Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water% In almost all cases the effect is damaging not onl# to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities

$olluted Water)

$olluted Water)
,omestic sewage% Industrial wastewater% Agricultural wastewater% -onstruction site stormwater% .rban runoff *stormwater+%

Air $ollution


MANMADE Stationery sources Mobiles Sources Chemicals NATURAL SOURCES Dust Smo e Rural sto!es

Noise Pollution

Sources o" Noise Pollution

In#ustry Roa# Tra""ic Trains Aircra"t Construction $or Lou S%ea ers

Air &uality Stan#ar#s in res%ect o" Noise

Area Co#e A C D Cate'ory o" Area()one In#ustrial Ares Commercial Area Resi#ental Ares Silence )one Limits in Db Day Time *+ .+ ++ +, Ni'ht Time *, ++ /+ /,

Soli# 0aste Pollution

Soil pollution

/oil $ollution%%
/oil contamination or soil pollution is caused b# the presence of xenobiotic *human0made+ chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment% It is t#picall# caused b# industrial activit#% agricultural chemicals% improper disposal of waste%


Soil Degradation

Thank you !!!

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