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One of the important experiments is drying experiment. There are several dryingequipments such as vacuum-shelf indirect dryers, continuous tunnel dryers, rotarydryers, drum dryers, spray dryers and tray

dryers.Tray dryers are used for removing water from material which can be lumpy solid or apasty solid. Spreading uniformly solid on a metal tray which has depth 10 mm to100mm is put in cabinet of dryer.Water is removed by fan which

recirculates heated air over the surface of the trays.Air is heated by electrical energy and 10-20 % of air in cabinet is fresh air, remainingis recirculating air.In this experiment, tray dryer is used. [1] Fig.1

Tray dryer [2]In this kind of drying, one of the important parameters is wet bulb temperature. Whengas coming from outside and a lot of water contacts each other, saturation isachieved. The adiabatic saturation temperature is the steady state

temperature insuch situation. If small amount water and a gas inlet is contacted under adiabaticconditions, a temperature which is nonequlibrium and steady state is reached. Thistemperature is called wet bulb

temperature. In adiabatic saturation, temperature and humidity of gas are changed but in this situation, temperature and humidity of gas are not changed because of small amount of water.[1]In measuring wet bulb temperature, thermometer which is

shown in figure 2 iscovered with wet cloth which called wick. Air at dry bulb temperature T and humidityH comes and evaporates some water on wick. Due to this evaporation, temperature

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