Beginner Unit 7c

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Beginner Unit 7c
Wh- questions

Host:  For $100,000 When do Americans celebrate Independence Day? Is it on May 1, June 14 or July 4? Contestant: I think its July 4. Host:  Thats correct. Now, for $175,000 What are the colours of the Jamaican flag? Are they black, gold and green, red, green and gold or red, green and black? Contestant: I think its black, gold and green. Host:  Thats correct. Well done. Now, for $250,000 Where do tigers live? Is it in Africa, in Asia or in Europe? Contestant: Er is it Africa?

Verb to be Question words
the capital of Ecuador? the colours of the Jamaican flag?


is are

Where do you live? When is your birthday? What is your name? Which one do you like? Why do you like the blue one? Who do you live with? How do you spell your name? What time do you start work? How long is this river? How high is Mount Everest? How many do you want? How often do you go to the cinema?

Other verbs
Where does do

tigers you they he she it


1 Choose the correct words.
1 Where do / does you live? 2 What is / are the capital of Sweden? 3 What time do / does she start work? 4 What is / are your name? 5 Who do / does they live with? Practical Grammar 1 6 How many do / does he want? 7 How long is / are this film? 8 Which one do / does your brother like? 9 When is / are his birthday? 10 What do / does his sister do? 1 National Geographic Learning

Beginner Unit 7c
2 Complete the quiz with question words. Then do the quiz and check your answers below. 1 ______________ does the President of the USA live?
A in the White House A in the Arctic A 7,532 metres A at 13 years old A A La Paz A 35 years A Darth Vader A at night A hello B in the Green House B in the Antarctic B 8,848 metres B at 15 years old B B Lima B 70 years B Chewbacca B in the day B goodbye C in the White Palace C in the UK C 9,321 metres C at 18 years old C C Quito C 100 years C Yoda C at the weekend C hello or goodbye

2 ______________ do penguins live? 3 ______________ high is Mount Everest? 4 ______________ does your brain stop growing? 5 ______________ of these is a hexagon? 6 ______________ is the capital of Ecuador? 7 ______________ long do elephants live? 8 ______________ is Luke Skywalkers father? 9 ______________ do bats sleep? 10 ______________ does aloha mean in Hawaiian?

3 Match the questions to the answers. g 1 How long do you sleep at night?
2 What do you do in the evening? 3 What do you have for breakfast? 4 What time do you have lunch? 5 Where do you have lunch? 6 Where do you live? 7 Where do you work?

a In London. b Half past twelve.

watch television. I d In a bank. e In a restaurant. f Toast and coffee. g Eight hours.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Write questions about Yuko. Then listen and check.

What time does she have

breakfast? At eight oclock. study? In the morning. for lunch? A sandwich. afternoon? She plays golf. dinner? In a restaurant. television in the evening? For two hours.

Practical Grammar 1


Answers: 1A 2B 3B 4A 5C 6C 7B 8A 9B 10C

National Geographic Learning

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