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Database Management System (CS403) Assignment No.

4 (Graded)
Total Marks:
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on Thursday 6th February 2014.


Rules for Mar ing

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if: 1. The assignment is submitted after due date. 2. The assignment is copied. 3. The assignment is not submitted in .doc file.

The objective of this assignment is: iving the idea of the most commonly used !"#$% for designing physical database systems i.e. %&' %(!)(!. It is used to design systems physically either through &uery *naly+er ,! (nterprise $anager. %m&ortant t'ings to #onsider before doing t'is assignment( 1. This *ssignment is the continuation of third *ssignment. Ta-ing in consideration the same case study of (ducation and !e.uirement Testing /(!T%01 conceptual database has been provided in the form of an (!". 2. 2ow you have to complete your ne3t phase of the "atabase "evelopment 4rocess which is physical database design. You will create it by utili+ing the (!" provided in the ne3t page.

)as Des#ri&tion(
In this assignment you will focus only on the tasks given below 1. ,pen the &uery *naly+er5%&' server management studio1 and create a new database with your student id1 li-e a sample screenshot provided on the last page of this assignment file. 2. You are re.uired to transform all entities given in the below (! diagram into tables. 3. You have to transform all entity attributes into columns. 6. "efine appropriate data types of each attribute. 7. *pply entity integrity constraint by defining primary -ey1 and foreign -ey of each entity. 8. Insert 7 rows in each table. 9. :rite an %&' .uery to apply left outer join between table *44'I;*2T and ;(''<2=$#(! and show the result. >. Ta-e screenshots of your wor-1 and paste them in your solution file /.",; file0. ?)irtual =niversity of 4a-istan 1

!ote =se all concepts and techni.ues you have studied so far discussed particularly in lectures 27@32.

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?)irtual =niversity of 4a-istan

Bere the database name must be the vu@id of the student who is submitting.

%ample %creenshot

?)irtual =niversity of 4a-istan

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