Iu Bus 325 L&M PPT 2

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Leadership & Motivation-2

BUS 325 Leadership and Motivation

Examine leadership with managerial function
Planning, organizing, leading, & controlling

Examine theoretical foundation

Motivation & Leadership theories

Practical application

Leadership Matters, Character Matters

Influence others toward goal and achievement of those goals Process where an individual influences others to do what s/he wants them to A leader is a person who has the ability to get other people to do what they dont want to do and like it - Harry Truman

A leader is best when people barely know he exists Not so good when people obey and acclaim him Worse when they despise him A good leader -talks little and, when work is done and, his aim is fulfilled, he will say: WE DID IT OURSELVES
- Lao-tse (c. 565 B.C.)

What does it take to be a leader?

Trust your subordinates If they think you dont believe them, you cant expect them to support you! Develop a vision People want to follow someone who knows where he is going. Keep your cool The best leaders show their mettle under fire (or, critiques)! Be an expert From boardroom to mailroom (Info desk), everyone had better understand that you know what youre talking about Invite dissent Your people arent giving you their best if they are afraid to speak up! Simplify You need to see the big picture in order to set a course, communicate it, and maintain it!

Kenneth Labich article in Fortune

What does it take to be a leader?

Learn from others Focus on expertise Create trust Be Patience, Persistence and, Passion (3 Ps) Influence in communication Compassion and respect

10 Commandments of Leadership
1. 2. 3. 4. Treat everyone with respect and dignity Set the example for others to follow Be active Maintain the highest standards of honesty and dignity 5. Insist on excellence and hold your people accountable 6. Build group cohesiveness and pride 7. Show confidence in your people 8. Maintain a strong sense of urgency 9. Be available and visible to your staff 10. Develop yourself to your highest potential

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