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NAME: Name of your character. Put a letter from the Fate Deck next to your name. Dont use letters twice! RANK: C= Citizen, G = Gunman, S = Shootist, L = Legend of the West Draw a star next to your shooting hand. Roll 1d6 to see if you are ambidextrous (6 on a 1d6). You can still choose the Ambidextrous SKILL if you fail. Write the WEAPON YOU ARE CARRYING in either the long right or left hand box next to the figures hands. WOUND BOXES: As you take damage, put a letter representing the kind of wound in the boxes next to the affected parts: F = Flesh Wound, S = Serious Wound, etc. Put a star in the KILL Box for every kill (the name of the victim is handy, too). Write SKILLS on the bottom of the sheet.

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