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Xantatech Pvt Ltd.

Get your websites guaranteed ranked on #1 page in Search engines .

Xantatech SEO Services

Xantatech is a digital marketing agency in Delhi NCR, India Offers White Hat Search Engine Optimizati n!SEO ser"ices #ith internet $%siness marketing s l%ti n and $%siness gr #th strategy n nline marketing& O%r Dedicated SEO 'eam ens%res y % f r t p ranking n ( gle, )ah and *ing!+SN Search Engine&

SEO echni!ues

On,-age Optimizati n Off,-age Optimizati n S cial +edia +arketing -ay -er Click Ser"ices .ink *%ilding Ser"ices Digital +arketing Ser"ices */* +arketing Ser"ices Internet +arketing Ser"ices

Our On Page "ctivity

#ebsite "na$ysis %eyword &esearch ' "na$ysis (o)petition "na$ysis Site*)ap updating + creation %eyword ,&L -apping

Error ./. page opti)i0ation

&obots.t1t creation

(anonica$ 2ssue (heck

X)$ Site)ap creation

31'34 tags creation

,&L "rchitecture creation

-eta ag5 it$e tag6 7escription tag6 "$t tags8creation

%eyword 7ensity

2nterna$ Linking

(ontent opti)i0ation

Our O99 Page "ctivity

7irectory Sub)ission Socia$ :ook)arking ($assi9ieds Sub)ission :$og creation :$og (o))enting

;oru) (o))enting

Press &e$eases Sub)ission

"rtic$es Sub)ission

<ideo Sub)ission s

&SS 9eed creation and Sub)ission

Socia$ =etwork (reation

1way $inking

4 way $inking

Socia$ )edia opti)i0ation

Search Engine Sub)ission

Socia$ -edia -arketing

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Increased traffic in y %r #e$sites& Enhance links t the #e$sites& Easier #ay f $ kmarking and tagging& S%stained fl # f c ntent&

Pay Per ($ick Services

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C st effecti"e& (ain 'raffic n #e$site Deli"er immediate res%lt& N n,C mplicated t handle& In" l"e n c ntract&

Link :ui$ding Services

.ink *%ilding ser"ices are ne f the $etter pti ns that many pr fessi nals pt f r as they pr m te their #e$site in the $est p ssi$le #ay&

7igita$ -arketing Services

Our 7igita$ -arketing "ctivity>*

-r d%ct marketing 0d"ertising, *randing 0ffiliate +arketing Email +arketing We$ 0nalytics Rep rting

"99ordab$e SEO Packages =oida

(ontact ,s
Xantatech Pvt. Ltd. "ddress> (,12, Sect r,13, N ida, 4- 5 /62367 -ai$> in9o? e$> 62/6,8/28/99 -ob> :92,9;161223<< 5-arketing ' Sa$es8 -ob> :92,9;16122388 =HR>

-lease ?isit O%r We$site@ http@!!###&Aantatech&c m

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