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10 Food Tests
Carbohydrates (Sugars and Starches) Reducing Sugars. The reducing sugars include all monosaccharides, Such as glucose and fructose, and some disaccharides, such as maltose. Use 0.1 1% sugar solutions. Test for reducing sugar: Benedicts test: Add 2 cm3 of a solution of the reducing sugar to a test tu e. Add an e!ual "olume of enedicts solution. Sha#e and ring gentl$ to the oil, sha#ing continuousl$ to minimise s%itting. Observation: The initial lue coloration of the mi&ture turns green, then $ello'ish and ma$ finall$ form a ric# red %reci%itate. Basis of test: (enedicts solution contains co%%er sul%hate. Reducing sugars reduce solu le lue co%%er sul%hate containing co%%er )**+ ions ),u2-+ to insolu le red . ro'n co%%er o&ide containing co%%er )*+. The latter is seen as a %reci%itate. /on. Reducing sugars. /on reducing sugars, the most common non reducing sugars is sucrose, a disacchriade. *f reducing sugars ha"e een sho'n to e a sent )negati"e result in a a o"e test+ a ric# red %reci%itate in the test elo' indicates the %resence of a non reducing sugar. *f reducing sugars ha"e een sho'n to e %resent, a hea"ier %reci%itate 'ill e o ser"ed in the follo'ing test than 'ith the reducing test if non reducing sugar is also %resent. Tests for non reducing sugar: Add 2 cm3 of sucrose solution to a test tu e. Add 1 cm3 dilute 0$drochloric acid. (oil for 1 minute. ,arefull$ neutralise 'ith sodium h$drogencar onate ),hec# 'ith %0 %a%er+ ,are is re!uired ecause effer"escence occurs. ,arr$ out enedicts test. Observation: As enedicts test. Basis of test: 1isaccharide can e h$drol$sed to it2s monosaccharade constituents $ oiling 'ith dilute h$drochloric acid. Sucrose is h$drol$sed to glucose and fructose, oth of 'hich are reducing sugars and gi"e the reducing sugar result 'ith the enedicts test. Test for starch: Iodine/potassium iodide test. Add 2cm3 of 1%starch solution to a test tu e. Add a fe' dro%s of iodine %otassium solution. Alternati"el$ add the latter to the solid for of starch. Observation: A lue. lac# colouration. Basis of test: A %ol$iodide com%le& is formed 'ith starch. Test for a lipid: Emulsion test: Add 2cm3 fat or oil to a test tu e containing 2cm3 of a solute ethanol. 1issol"e the li%id $ sha#ing "igorousl$. Add an e!ual amount of cold 'ater.

Observation: A cloud$ 'hite sus%ension. Basis of test: 3i%ids are immisci le 'ith 'ater. Adding 'ater to a solution of the li%id in alcohol results in emulsion of tin$ dro%lets in the 'ater 'hich reflect light and gi"e a 'hite , o%alescent a%%earance. Test for a %rotein: Biuret test: Add 2cm3 %rotein solution to a test tu e. Add an e!ual "olume of 4% %otassium h$dro&ide solution and mi&. Add 2 dro%s of 1% co%%er sul%hate solution and mi&. /o heating is re!uired. Observation: A mau"e or %ur%le colour de"elo%s slo'l$. Basis of test: A test for %e%tide onds. *n the %resence of dilute co%%er sul%hate in al#aline solution, nitrogen atoms in the %e%tide chain for a %ur%le com%le& 'ith co%%er)**+ ions ),u2-+. (uiret is a com%ound deri"ed from urea 'hich also contains the ,50/. grou% and gi"es %ositi"e results.

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