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LESSON PLAN WEEK 8 Area: Grade: Week: English Fifth from September 9th to 13th


Activity N 1(2 session) ontent : !nde"inite #rono$ns

Ski%% : &se voca'$%ary and str$ct$res acc$rate%y to reinforce the use of compounds , through a set of exercises, being assertive when expressing your opinion ! "isten to the teacher and loo# at the chart drawn by the teacher to play $%&!$'& !$(E and reinforce compounds with some ) any) every) no ! 'ssociate the cards shown with the correct performances and items presented in the unit ! %dentify through *uestions and answers which are these items or performances by loo#ing at the exercises written on the board ! Select the correct *uestions and answers for each of the sentences written +board, ! -se the appropriate *uestions and answers and follow the teacher.s instructions to solve the exercises in /sh 01 23 individually $hen, chec# the answers with the class &N!( E)A* +

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Activity N 2(2 session) ontent: (v #ro,ra--es Ski%% : !nter#ret specific information related to some tv channels and some $v Favourite programmes by predicting why are they popular and being assertive when expressing your opinions ! (bserve the pictures or 44$ brought by the teacher about her favourite $5 4rogramme and loo# at the information presented on the boo# page 69 and predict what the information is about ! %dentify the situation being described through audio visual material ! 'ssociate the pictures shown with the events in the text ! %nterpret the information in the text to answer some oral comprehension *uestions $hen solve the *uestions in the wor#boo# page 67 Activity N .(2 session) ontent:Pro/ect Ski%% : Prod$ce 0ritten te1ts to describe your favourite $v programme , through a $v guide listening attentively ! 8efine the favourite $v 4rogramme you are going to write about ! "oo# at the pictures or 44$ brought by the teacher and choose one of the programmes shown ! (rgani9e the information according to the teacher.s instructions ! 4roduce a $v guide to write the information loo#ed up in internet about the programme chosen P2O ESS E3AL&A(!ON: ski%%: 14. Prod$ce 0ritten te1ts4 Pro/ect: 5rin, #ict$res and in"or-ation re%ated to yo$r "avo$rite (v4 #ro,ra--e4

Student.s boo# 0<


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