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Tutorial 2

Water at 60F is being delivered from a pump through a coaxial annular conduit 20.3 ft long at a rate of 240 Gal min. the !nner and outer diameters are 3 and " inch. !f the inlet is # ft lo$er than outlet $hat is the po$er re%uirement to pump this $ater. Use hydraulic radius approach. What is a good assumption for this? A good assumption is that pressures at both ends are similar. & fan dra$ing 0.'4 W is used to move air at a mass flo$ rate of 0.' (g min. the upstream suction pipe of the fan is 60 mm and do$nstream pipe diameter is 30 mm. the rise is pressure across the fan is 0.'()a. The overall velocit* profile is uniform $ith the upstream flo$ laminar but the do$nstream flo$ turbulent. +alculate the loss value. ,stimate the maximum diameter of a spherical catal*st that could be lost in the stac( gas of a fluid crac(ing unit given follo$ing conditions -%uestion from ./01 Gas velocit* at the centre of the unit 2 0.3043 m sec4' Gas viscosit* 2 0.026 c) 5ensit* gas 2 ".#"" e4" (gcm43 5ensit* particle 2 '.2 g cm43 6odern aircrafts have have refined to a great extent such that "#7 of the parasitic drag -drag that is not associated $ith creating lift1 is associated $ith the friction on external surfaces. This prasitic drag value is 0.0'' for aircraft. What is the friction drag if the $ingspan area is 22#00m2 and aircraft is fl*ing a. sea level and b. 8 (m above sealevel at 2#0 mph densit* of air at 8(m 9 3.83 e4" (g cm3 sealevel densit* of air 9 '2.38 e4" (g m3

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